Chapter 15

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Chris walks into Kaitlin's room as she's painting her nails. She looks up at him.

 She looks up at him

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"Hey." Chris says, sitting next to her, "What are you up to?"

Kaitlin blinks, "Eating kittens." She says verbally, sarcastically.

Chris playfully shoves her.

"Hey!" Kaitlin laughs before putting the nail brush in the bottle and signing, "Don't mess me up or I'll make you do my toes."

Chris narrows his eyes at her, "I bet I could do it better than you could."

Kaitlin raises an eyebrow and snorts, then hands him the dark blue bottle and sets her feet in his lap, "Have at it."

Chris chuckles, "Challenge accepted." He says before opening the bottle and beginning to paint Kaitlin's toenails.

" wanna talk about it now?"


"We have to talk about it eventually."

"I know, but I don't want to right now."

"Can I ask why?"

Kaitlin pauses, then sighs, "Because if we talk about, really talk about it, that means that it's becoming real and that I'm that much closer to losing my mom."

"Not necessarily. I just want you to know what I have to say."

"Look, matter where I end up, no matter what happens, everything is going to change. I'm not one of those people that hates change or anything; I think it could be a good thing. I'm open to change, but this isn't something as simple as changing my hair or my eating habits or even moving to a new house or school. I'm literally going to be changing my entire life and that's scary. Plus, no matter where I end up, it's going to come out that I'm your daughter and either way, I'm going to be put into the spotlight. The irony of the musician with a deaf daughter will be known everywhere."

Chris nods, "I suppose it will." He says, closing the nail polish and setting it down.

"I know you didn't say what you said about me being your daughter last time you were here to scare me, but it really got to me. Then that whole thing with the Wattsons or whoever they were made me think...You and I have such a good relationship right now, but what if that changes? What if something happens to us that results in us not being close anymore?"

Chris sighs, then signs, "Kaitlin. There is a big difference between not being perfect and being arrested for child molestation. I don't know about you, but I believe in picking up the pieces after they've been broken and at least trying to put them back together; not just throwing them away. Things may go down hill for us! There's going to be hard times, there's going to be disagreements; Hell, there may even be a few fights, but you know what we're going to do if that happens? We're going to sit down, talk it out, pick ourselves back up and keep going because life goes on."

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