Chapter 1: Intense Training

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5 months later, Lara is walking in a secret room where she was finding the shining diamond of Raya the Queen of Nepal. Lara was wearing long pants once more and long brown boots that almost reaches her knees. She kept walking, until she saw heard a clinging sound. Lara stopped and used her instincts to sense it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a big warrior statue that bursted through a wall and hit Lara to the ground. The statue was almost about to hit her legs, but she dodged out of the way to do five backflips away from the statue. On her last flip, she took out her pistols and started to shoot the statue. The statue wasn't getting any scratches whatsoever, so she used a grapple to attach to the hook, wall run on the wall and jumped right on top of the statue. She shot the head off the statue and the statue fell on its knees and didn't move at all. Lara went to get the diamond, but the statue got back up with no head and started to attack her again. Lara grabbed a frag grenade from her backpack and tossed it into the statue. Then she back flipped out of the way and the statue blew up.

Lara: "This time, you stay down." She puts her pistols in her weapon holsters. She finally got to the diamond and picked it up. She examined it while behind her, the statue started to crumble and piece back together. Then she got frustrated.

Lara mumbles. "Oh my god. Quit training!"

Computer: "Training has been cancelled for today. Good day, Lara." Lara crossed her arms in ignorance.

Lara: "Hmph." She grabs a bag and puts the statue pieces in the bag. She drags the bag to Bryce while he was on the computer.

Bryce: "Hey, Lara. How was the training?"

Lara: "Rather disappointing, actually."

Bryce: "Oh, I see. Where's the statue?"
Lara poured all the statue pieces on the floor.

Bryce: "BUGGER!! Damn it, Lara! I thought I told you not to mess up my statue! This is a disaster!"

Lara: "It was trying to kill me."

Bryce: "It was a prototype!"

Lara: "Next time, be careful with those statues before they end up tearing you to shreds too."

Bryce: "Oh, Leonidas. What did she do to you?"

Lara: "You gave them names?"

Bryce: "Don't hate!" Lara went to her room.

Winston: "Shall I run your bath water, Lara?"

Lara: "Negative, Winston. I'll do it myself."

Winston: "Alright, Lara." She closes her door.

(End of Chapter 1: Intense Training)

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