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I hurried off the bus, trying to look for best friend. Ugh, where is she at? I told her to meet me outside. I thought as I shoved my way past people. After I passed a few people, I felt a light push from behind. I turned around and saw two boys standing there with a smirk. I gave them the death glare and began to walking again.

"Aye yo! Wait up!" One of them yelled. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. The brown skinned boy smiled at me and began to scratch his head awkwardly.

"Yeah?" I asked impatiently.

"Can we hang out sometime?" He asked. Did he just... Asked me to hang out with him? I thought as I looked at him. Suddenly I had the weird feeling of my stomach having the butterflies.

"Y-yeah, sure." I stuttered, feeling embarrassed. He laughed a little and gave me a folded paper.

"Don't open it until you get home." He said before returning to his friend. I held onto the paper and stuffed it into my pockets even though I was quite tempted to open it. I went back to looking for my friend and finally found her. "Ahh, my favorite love birds." I smiled as I walked up to my best friend and her boyfriend. Both Melanie and Messiah looked at me with a big smile on their faces.

"Who was that boy you was just talking to?" She asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes. Great, they saw me with him.. I thought. I hope they don't think I like him or something... I just had the butterflies. That's all.

"I don't know, he just asked to hang out with him sometime." I said, not telling the full story. Both of them sighed.

"Oh...But anyway, Zahara we just havin' a get together at my house, you coming?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll go and hey I got to get to class early for something. See ya later!" I waved at them back and was on the way to class until a light skinned boy approached me.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for my boy Noah going at you like that."

"What?" I asked, wondering what he was talking about.

He shrugged, and continued. "Ya know. Him talking to you and all. He does that to almost every girl he sees. You're not the first and you'll definitely not gonna be he last." He chuckled, nervously. I suddenly realized he was talking about that boy from earlier. "Oh, its cool I guess.." I trailed off regretting that I even agreed to hang out with him. He sighed, and then walked away.

I looked back at him, shrugged and proceeded on walking to class. I quickly walked to class, trying not to be late. I quickly got into the classroom and sat in my seat. I took my bag and sat them next to my desk.
Everyone were talking to each other and once again, I sat there, wondering when class was gonna start. After being ten minutes late, Mr. Barnes finally showed up this time.. with that kid from earlier. What the heck? What's this 'Noah' kid doing here? He doesn't belong in this class, like that out! He shouldn't even be in here acting like he's a charming guy when he's a player.

Changing The Player (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora