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Back At It Again With That Bullshit


I rolled my eyes and sigh at Noah's actions. All this week Noah has been giving me the cold shoulder and I've been getting fed up with it for some time now. I fed Alana her baby food and put her in her play pen, just to give her some time to herself. After that, I simply walked into Noah's room. As soon as I saw him, he was having the laugh of a lifetime.

I quarreled my eyebrows and hopped in bed next to him. He quickly moved away. "Yo, I don't want to see you right now. Leave me alone." He said bluntly. I nodded quietly and left the room feeling upset. My feelings are so hurt man, I don't even know what I did wrong. What we need is communication to figure this problem out.

I turned around and walked to his room with my arms crossed. "Noah," I said firmly, "Tell me what I did wrong instead of shooing me away. I want to know."

Noah looked up from his phone, "Its not you," he sighed, "It's about Tamyah and I-"

I interrupted him right on the spot, "Who's Tamyah? Are y'all sleeping together?" I asked, ready to bombard him with more questions. He sighed,

"She's... Pregnant."

I rubbed my forehead in frustration, "Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did." Noah nodded and put his phone down.

"I got her pregnant and I'm trying to have her get rid of it." He said, trying to make the best of things. I shook my head, ready to burst into to tears.

"Noah, I loved you, I gave you a second chance like what happened? Am I just not good enough for you? I must not be good enough, I'm sorry." I broke down into tears. Before Noah could come and hug me, I walked away into my room and shut the door in his face. I locked it and hopped on my bed, burying my face into the pillow.

I couldn't believe he'll get another girl pregnant while he's with me. I must be shit now, like I'm boring to him. I must be different than what I used to be back when we first met. Maybe he really is tired of me... By tomorrow, I'll just move back with Mom and I'll break up with Noah.

Knocks from the door came about, I said nothing but look over to see Alana sleep in her playpen. The knocks came harder and I stayed silent even longer.

"Can we talk? I'm sure she'll get rid of it! Babe, it was a crazy night when it happened." He explained on the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes and rolled over to go to sleep for the rest of the night.

Next Morning.

I woke up and did my daily routine starting with Alana. As she played in the tub with her toys, I washed her hair enjoying the scenery. I've come to a realization that no matter how upset I may get, Alana always finds a way to make me smile. I rinsed her hair and body pulled her out the tub, using a towel.

As I dried her up, the door swung open, nearly scaring me. I looked back to see a black girl fairly my age. She had short curly hair and was very thick at the waist. I gave her a weird look, "How may I help?"

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