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Continuing from last chapter


"I'm her birthday present but if you don't appreciate that I came and spent time with her, then I'll leave." He got up in a flash, but I was quick to grab him. I didn't want their bond to be broken, it would affect her as she gets older.

"Wait," I sigh. "I'm glad that you came but why wait to come on her second birthday?"

"Because I had another kid to take care of." He said bluntly. The second after he said that, the room fell silent. I was frozen, speechless and shocked. Now everything was coming together and the more I realized that, the more angry and depressed I became.

What he just said, put the whole puzzle piece together. Based on from what he told me, explains that I wasn't the reason he left. He left because he impregnated Melanie; My ex-best friend.

My fingers that were wrapped around his arm, quickly unraveled. From there, I didn't know what to do or what to say. I just stood there, drifting into my thoughts, thinking long and hard. As I was in my train of thought, I heard Noah sigh.

"Zahara, look, I didn't mean that." He explained while forcing my hands to be in his. I looked at him and didn't say a word, I remained quiet. He looked into my eyes with worry, hoping I'll speak but little does he know, that I don't plan on ever having these conversations with him again.

Now I know, where we stand. Where he and Alana stands. I now know that his second kid comes first before Lana does. In my eyes, all I see is a man who doesn't care enough for his own kid. He won't even own up to his mistakes, but he'll make so many excuses up.

His hands traveled up to where my shoulders was. He gripped on each side tightly and begged for me to speak, but I refused to say a word. He sighed aloud and then I knew, he was going to give up. Like I said, he gave up and gave me a sorrowful look, desperately wanting me to speak.

Noah shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down at me. It was attractive but not enough to enlighten anything. I am serious. It simply wasn't long before he caressed my cheek and I, I was still unemotional.

"I'll be a better father for Alana okay?"

Stubbornly, I didn't bother to say anything but look. I don't believe him, I don't believe a word he's saying. Malak entered the room, saving the day. "Aye Noah, its time for you to go." He said firmly, "Say goodbye to your daughter then leave."

Noah looked at him up and down, ending the scene with a chuckle but rapidly became serious. "I don't need you to tell me what to do."

"Well someone has to."

With that, Noah looked at me one last time before leaving. As soon as his foot stepped out the door, I was relieved and was back in my normal state as a human being. Malak huffed and puffed while pulling me into a hug.

"Everything is going to be alright." He whispered while his hands moved up and down my back keeping a steady pace. I was comforted but then my tears longed to come out abruptly. I was crying, I couldn't bare all this at once. He lies to me, impregnates my best friend, treats Alana differently from his second child and he's so untruthful.

I held onto Malak as tight as I could. All the pain I was holding in, was starting to come out. Suddenly, a baby voice called out to me. "Why mommy crying?" My little sunshine asked. Before Malak answered, I turned to her and smiled a little.

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