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2 months later.


"C'mon babe, who cares what they think of you." Noah whined. I rolled my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror, looking at my belly and how much of an embarrassment it is for me to walk around school like this.

"Well I care, do I embarrass you?" I asked as I rubbed my belly. Noah sighed and kissed my cheek, not replying. I cleared my throat. "Are you going to answer my question?" I asked, catching an attitude. Noah shook his head.

"You're not an embarrassment to me."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag, shoving him on the way out of my room. I don't know what's up with him, but I don't like to get late answers; I hate that.

I made my way downstairs and then walked to the car. When I got in, something was off like way off. I looked around and found a girl's bra under my seat, and I know for a fact that it isn't mine because I don't wear solid color bras. For a second, I thought about that one time he said the line was long in Mc Donald's.

A Mc Donald's line shouldn't be so long to the point where it takes an hour and thirty minutes to get your food so, he's lying. I suddenly became pissed off and punched the door, I couldn't believe that I gave him sexual favors thinking he really waited for my food.

I put the bra back under my seat and sat there with mixed emotions. I couldn't believe I was lied to and cheated on like what did I ever do to him? Nothing. Noah finally came out with a smile and hopped in the car. I ignored his presence and looked out the window.

"Babe?" He called out. I looked over at him silently, ready to smack the hell out of him. "What do you want?" I hissed. Noah gave me a weird look then started the car. After the long three minutes of silence, I became fed up with his ass.

"Noah, you're a piece of shit... You know that?" I asked. Noah gave me the 'What the hell?' look. I rolled my eyes, "Don't give me that look, you know you cheated on me."

Noah laughed it off. "What Zahara? I don't even know what you're talking about. I gave you what you wanted and been with you through this."

I pulled the bra up from the seat and threw it at him."Take this bra back to your bitch and tell her she could have you." I said with an attitude. Noah stayed silent and threw the bra in the back of the car. I sighed wanting to get out of this car but knowing how lazy I am, I'm not walking to school.

During the silent ride to school, Noah tried to start countless conversations with me but I ignored him and gave him the silent treatment the whole time. As soon as he pulled up, I grabbed my bag and left out the car without saying a word. When I was making my way to enter the school building, so many eyes were so attracted to me.

I gave them all weird looks in return, I wasn't so sure why they were looking at me like this. Me being pregnant isn't new so what other reason could they be looking?

I shook it off and made my way towards Malak. I smiled and stood by his locker, "Hey Malak!" I said, trying to be happy. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Zahara, I don't think we could do this friend thing anymore, " he said. "Its not working out..." He trailed off looking highly upset. I pulled him by his arm and to make him look at me. He looked at me and looked like he was about to cry.

"No, no please stick to being my friend! I need you Malak, you're my friend! My best friend!" I begged, seeking out for him to forgive me. He shook his head and yanked his arm away from me.

"Like I said Zahara, we can't do this." He walked away and left me shattered. I lowered my head and walked away going to see what's up with Melanie. As soon as she saw me, the frowned. I rolled my eyes, "What did I do? Not be a good friend to you too?" I asked. Melanie shook her head and laughed a little.

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