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"Are you okay? Why don't you have some lunch?" Noah asked, only because he cares. I shook my head, ready to get back in my feelings again. I'm so scared because the love of my life might just be dead and know one knows where he and the others are.

"I really love Malak. I really do like have I done anything wrong to deserve this?" I cried, wiping my tears. Noah struggled holding himself together and gave me a hug, rubbing my back.

"You didn't do anything wrong Baby, stay strong and have faith. Keep praying for his return." It wasn't long before I felt his tears hit my shoulder. He was crying, Noah freaking Riley was actually crying.

I hugged him tighter and nodded, "I'll do just that."

Two hours later

I watched as Lana dragged her bag, like she was going somewhere. Unfortunately, she isn't going anywhere because I want someone other than just family here with me. I missed her so much, like I haven't seen her in a minute.

"Lana where are you going?" I asked smiling a little. Lana started getting shy and did her little shrug. I laughed and pulled her close to me. "Can I see what's in your bag?"

She nodded and handed me her Dora bag. Once I opened it, I found some CD's in it. I looked at each of them and they were like my favorite type of music. But there was a problem... What were they doing in Lana's bag? "Who gave these to you?"

Alana smiled, showing her teeth. "Mal!" She said excitedly. I looked at each of CD and laughed to myself. How Malak knows this is coincidental. Not once did I ever mention Chance The Rapper to him but yet, there's a Dora bag that has his Coloring Book album in there.

"Did he tell you that it was a surprise?" I asked as I fixed her jean jacket. She nodded and did her little movement moving side to side. I smiled at her but I was lowkey shocked that Malak knew I had a thing for Chance The Rapper and let me tell you, I don't know how Malak knew that but I find it very weird but cute

Instead of blowing his cover, I put them back in there and let Alana go. I was calm and sane. I had faith that Malak and the others will return even though it has been two months since his return. Thinking of him keeps me up at night even though I should be getting some sleep for work.

I got up and looked at the clock, it was 6:30 PM and I still haven't got Lana ready for dinner yet. I walked over to Lana's room and saw her looking at the picture of Noah holding her when she was born. I smiled a little and squatted down to her level. "Do you know who that is?" I asked. She started cheesing and pointed to him.


I nodded and pulled her into my arms, kissing her cheek multiple times. She started laughing abruptly, causing me to laugh with her. Once I was done, I grabbed her needs and headed straight to the bathroom.

I started her water and put her barbies in there, getting the bubble bath ready. Once it was done, I turned the water off and gave Alana the permission to get in. Once she was in, I walked out, leaving the door open so I could keep my eyes on her. Soon I started preparing a nice dinner for us as I thought about Malak, I've been looking everywhere for him and the passengers. It was also weird when the plane went off the radar and that's when it reminded me of that Malaysia plane that went missing ten months ago. Could it be a terrorist doing this? What is it? What could it be?

I groaned, remembering that I have to check the mail. I turned down the stove and checked on Alana before running out for the mail. As soon as I got to the mail, I saw an envelope that could be the answer to all my problems why I be passing out, mood swings and everything.

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