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Life ends... or does it??


"What am I going to do Melanie?" I panicked, walking back and forth. Melanie grabbed me by the shoulders trying to calm me down but no method was working. Frank was coming and I didn't know what to do or how to act towards him. He is an unpredictable guy, I wouldn't know what to expect coming from him.

"Girl, just remain calm and stay near them at all times! Stay on your watch game and keep your eyes on him like a hawk okay?" She said. I nodded but that still wasn't helping anything. I'm afraid because Noah isn't here to protect me, he went to Houston to see his family.

The doorbell rang, causing me to jump out of my skin. He is here now and I can't turn back or go run for Noah. I gave Melanie the signal to answer the door for me, she nodded and went straight to the door without any hesitation. I held my breath and waited for him to come straight through the door. As soon as she opened that door, I let out all the air. It was only Mom.

Shortly after her, was Frank Luciano. He was tall and had an Indian descent, his hair was nice and black and also had a tint of shine to it. He smiled at me and waved. I ignored him and looked at mom for help, but instead, she didn't look my way. I sighed and spoke, "Hi Mr. Luciano." I gave him a fake smile and focused on Alana.

He laughed, "Izzy, you don't have to call me Mr. Luciano." I looked at him and gave him a polite smile but more of a fake one.

"Don't call me Izzy, Mr. Luciano." I said firmly. He raised his hands in defeat and sat down on the sofa, anxiously waiting to see Alana. I sighed and grabbed Alana out of her crib. Luckily, she was up cause otherwise, I wouldn't have woken her up or at least tried to.

Alana smiled a little as she put her little fingers in her mouth. "Alana, you're so cute baby girl!" I said as I tickled her a little. She laughed, causing Frank to look up from his phone as we entered the living room. I held her and looked at Frank.

"She's beautiful, Zahara. Alana is truly a blessing for you- Hey where's her father?!" He semi-yelled. I looked at him as if he just lost his damn mind- which he did.

"Frank, he's out if town to visit his family."

Frank sighed in relief, "Can I hold her?"

I gave in and handed her to him. I looked at Alana and all she did was look at him. "Hey Cherry Blossom! Pop-Pop is here!!" He smiled, causing Alana to smile hard. After that little moment she started making all kinds of noise, slobbing all over her bib. I laughed a little. Maybe I was a little harsh on Frank, maybe I was wrong about him after all. Maybe him as a grandpa might just change him.

"Frank, wanna stay for dinner?" Mom asked. I gave my mom a look.

"Stay? Mom what do you mean stay? He's not staying for dinner! Maybe another time!" I exclaimed. My mom gave me the death glare and I shut right up. She looked over at Frank again.

"So anyway, stay for dinner."

Frank agreed as he continued to play with Alana. I sighed and looked over at Melanie. She shrugged and gave me a smile, It might go well, just go with it. She mouthed. I nodded and let it sink in.

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