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@IanBohen sent a direct message:

@IanBohen: TYLER!

@IanBohen: TYLER!

@IanBohen: TYLER!

@tylerl_hoechlin: What do you want now Ian?

@IanBohen: No need for the attitude Tyler I just wanted to talk

@tylerl_hoechlin: Fine then talk

@IanBohen: What the hell is going on with you and Iman?

@tylerl_hoechlin: Nothing

@IanBohen: Really because from the sound of it the pair of you have two sons called Sam and Dean

@tylerl_hoechlin: I was joking

@IanBohen: Were you trying to flirt with her?

@tylerl_hoechlin: Maybe

@IanBohen: ....

@tylerl_hoechlin: Fine I was trying to flirt with her

@IanBohen: I could tell but I don't think she realised. I'm pretty sure she thought you were crazy

@tylerl_hoechlin: That's not good

@IanBohen: No shit sherlock

@tylerl_hoechlin: What do I do?

@IanBohen: Well me may need to ask the guy who sent a pic of himself to someone holding up three fingers

@IanBohen added @danielsharman to the group

@danielsharman: What did Tyler do now?

@IanBohen: You know how he was commenting weird things on Iman's photos?

@danielsharman: Yeah...

@IanBohen: Well he was actually flirting with her

@danielsharman: Iman said she was dying earlier on and I think so am I

@tylerl_hoechlin: It's not funny I need help

@danielsharman: Okay you need to fix the problem right now

@tylerl_hoechlin: Right now?

@danielsharman: Yep

@IanBohen: Daniel's right Tyler you need to Dm her right this second

@tylerl_hoechlin: What do I even say?

@danielsharman: That your comments were your lame attempt at flirting with her.

@tylerl_hoechlin: I can't say that

@danielsharman: Yes you can she'll probably find it cute that you were trying to flirt with you and she'll most likely take pity on you

@tylerl_hoechlin: How is her taking pity on me a good thing?

@danielsharman: Because at least then she won't be running for the hills

@IanBohen: Daniel's right again Tyler you need to tell her and if you don't then we will tell her for you

@tylerl_hoechlin: Okay I'm doing it

@danielsharman: I think you just grew an actual beard now you manned up

@tylerl_hoechlin: Fuck you Daniel

@danielsharman: I love you too Tyler


@tylerl_hoechlin sent a direct message

@tylerl_hoechlin: Hey Iman can I talk to you?

@Imanhighton: As long as it's not about our future children then yes you can talk to me

@tylerl_hoechlin: Actually I wanted to talk about that and any other thing I commented

@Imanhighton: Okay then talk :)

@tylerl_hoechlin: I just wanted to say sorry, I was being very forward

@Imanhighton: You were being very forward but why?

@tylerl_hoechlin: I'm not good at the whole flirting thing and I watched a stupid movie where the main guy kept saying all the weird things I commented and I just thought I'd see if it would work

@Imanighton: Did it work in the movie?

@tylerl_hoechlin: No

@Imanhighton: That's a shame because if I was the girl in the movie I'd totally fall head over heels for those lines

@tylerl_hoechlin: Really?

@Imanhighton: Not even a tiny bit but it's cute that you attempted to flirt with me

@tylerl_hoechlin: Are you taking pity on me?

@Imanhighton: No but I gather Daniel or Ian said I would

@tylerl_hoechlin: Yeah they did

@Imanhighton: Don't listen to them about everything

@tylerl_hoechlin: You give great advice

@Imanhighton: I know it's a gift

@tylerl_hoechlin: And to think that only a couple of days ago I was the weird one out of the two of us

@Imanhighton: Oh no! You're still weird but I'm weirder

@tylerl_hoechlin: I won't argue with that

@Imanhighton: I have a question

@tylerl_hoechlin: Ask away

@Imanhighton: Why did you want to flirt with me in the first place?

@tylerl_hoechlin: Because even though we've only talked to eachother over Instagram I like you

@Imanhighton: Well Tyler it's your lucky day because I like you too and possibly even more for the weird comments

@tylerl_hoechlin: I had a feeling you would

@Imanhighton: Well what can I say? I like weird stuff and you Mr.Hoechlin are very weird

@tylerl_hoechlin: Only for you

@Imanhighton: Only for me

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