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[Group Chat: Iman, Daniel, Ian and JR]

Iman; The fact that you added me makes your group chat a 100 times better btw

Daniel; It really doesn't Iman

Iman; You added me for a reason and if you don't stop being mean I'll leave!

Ian; Don't leave it's important

Iman; I'm now officially curious... Tell me why I was summoned

Daniel; Because Tyler is being a little bitch and not telling us how your date went

Iman; Which Tyler?

Daniel; Hoechlin

JR; We should of asked tpose he would of told us

Daniel; Don't complain it's all Ian's fault

Ian; I thought Heckles would tell us

Daniel; You thought wrong

Iman; As fun as it to watch to this weird argument unfold what did you guys want?

JR; We want to know what happened on yours and Tyler's date

Daniel; We also want to know if you guys kissed because we're nosey

Ian; That's pretty much it unless you had sex then we want to know all about that

Iman; We didn't have sex Ian

Ian; I'm kinda disappointed I wanted some mini Tylers and Imans running around the place

Iman; I wish you were next to me so that I could hit you

JR; Same

Ian; Fuck you JR!

Iman; Can we just get back to the topic we were on

Daniel; Yes we can. So how was your date?

Iman; It was fine

JR; Just fine?

Iman; What more do you want me to say?

Ian; That you're completely head over heels in love with Tyler

Iman; You guys are really fucking weird

Daniel; We are but that doesn't matter. Tell us the truth about the date, we want to know!

Iman; We went to get pizza

Ian; Was the pizza nice?

Daniel; Really Ian what a shitty question to ask

Ian; Leave me alone I like pizza

Iman; I like you a little more now you said that Ian and to answer your question - yes the pizza was nice

JR; You're all fustrating

Daniel; Cheers mate

Iman; Love you loads JR x

Ian; Thank you bae

JR; Iman tell us more before we die of anticipation

Iman; We kissed

Ian; HOLY FUCK!!!!!

Iman; Calm down Ian it was just as kiss

Daniel; Not to us #Timan shippers. Our ship has finally sailed!!

Iman; I really want to leave

JR; You can leave when you tell us more

Iman; We kissed and he left to shoot scenes

Daniel; What was the kiss like

Iman; I hate you guys but I'll tell you.

Iman; It was incredible

Ian; Awh you're so in love with Tyler

Iman; No I'm not!!

Daniel; Yes you are

[Iman left the group chat]

Ian; She so loves him

Daniel; Agreed she wants his babies

[Ian added Tyler to the group chat]

Tyler; Who want who's babies?

Daniel; Iman wants your babies

Tyler; Good because I want her babies

Ian; #Timan is alive

Tyler; You just added me but I want to leave already

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