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The sun had set in Tyler's and Iman's vacation destination, the two sat on the beach as the sky turned an almost red colour. The two said nothing as they watched the waves come crashing in bringing them a sense of inner peace. Iman's head rested on Tyler's chest as they looked out the beautiful blue sea wishing that they could stay there forever, they wished they didn't have to go back to their usual hetic lives and schedules but they had to leave whether they liked it or not.

Tyler pressed kisses to Iman's forehead as she drew random patterns on his arm trying her hardest not to get upset about the fact that they had to leave the next day. But she was, the place was paradise and she never wanted to leave but she also knew that all good things come to an end. Iman sighed heavily leaning pressing herself further into Tyler's chest not wanting to leave the warmth he gave her.

The peace they were in was disturbed by the ping of Tyler's phone, Tyler groaned before picking it up and turning it on wanting to know what it was that ruined the sweet moment between the couple. When he saw what it was he felt like punching something and someone and he knew just who his victim would be. Iman could sense the distress Tyler in so quickly she raised her head from his chest and gazed at him in adoration caressing his cheek.

"What's the matter?" Iman asked softly as Tyler placed his phone down on the sand. 

"James." Tyler said with a huff glaring at his phone that layed on the sand.

"What did I tell you?" Iman said because the two had talked about the whole James sitaution a lot and their holiday was because of James. The two needed desperately to get away from all the negativity he brought with him.

"I know what you said but I can't help it he's the most annoying person ever. He always feels the need to say something about how beautiful you look and it's pissing me off." Tyler said his knuckles going white as he spoke, it was a sensititive subject for him. Tyler and Iman had been through so much that he didn't want it all to end all because of some guy he's never met.

"I know but you need to get over it and let him be. You also need to stop being so jealous." Iman said with a slight chuckle still finding the fact that Tyler was jealous.

"I may be jealous but it's for a good reason. I can't lose you Iman, I like you too much for that." Tyler said making sure he didn't say the word 'love'.

"You like me?" Iman asked with her eyebrows raised because she wanted a little more than like.

"Yeah I do unless you don't want me to?" Tyler said but it came out more as a question, one that Iman would answer with certainity.

"No I don't I want you tell me you love me." Iman said as Tyler caressed her cheek smiling widely at her.

"I love you Iman." Tyler said his lips achingly close to her's, Iman swallowed thickly as he leant into his touch.

"I love you too Tyler." Iman replied and Tyler thanked the heavens that she said it back, those three words sounded even better on her lips than he thought they would. They really were in paradise and with 'I love you' it made things a million times better. Iman didn't have to lean forward that far until she captured Tyler's lips with hers, the kiss was shear bliss it was like each time their lips moulded together the two were repeating 'I love you' over and over. And when they pulled back the two couldn't help but smile like a couple of teenagers in love. They may have not been teenagers but the two were in love.


I cried the tiniest but writing this not only because Iman said I love you to Tyler but also because this is the end of this book. I honestly want to thank you all for the reads, votes and comments I never thought that so many people would read and actually like this book so thank you all. It's been a long journey but I'm so glad that I got to end this book with the three words we knew were inevitably coming.

This story means a lot to me and I have loved writing it so once again thank you for reading this. I'm going to post an epilogue tomorrow, it will be a year later chapter so you get to see Iman and Tyler in the future. So when it is posted this book will be officially over but until then thank you guys so much!

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