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"I'm gonna tell her I love her tonight."

That sentence played in Iman's head as she sat down at the table Tyler had booked at a restaurant for the two of them. Iman was trying her hardest not to freak out because Tyler was going to tell her she loved him and the pressure of saying those three words back was eating away at Iman.

Throughout her time at Tanner's house Iman managed to stay cool, calm and collected and luckily she didn't make a fool out of herself. The only reason she hadn't freaked out yet because of all of Tyler's family were around but now that the two of them were alone Iman knew things were only going to get worse.

Tyler smiled at Iman before reaching forward over the table and giving her hand a light squeeze, Iman gathered he could see her obvious nervousness and was trying to calm her. The gesture as sweet and loving as it was frightened Iman more than it should of. Iman offered Tyler a nervous smile before burying her head deep into the menu pretending to choose what meal she wanted when really she was doing anything to avoid his long held gaze. Tyler was merely taking in the sight that was Iman but Iman took his stare as something else and she really didn't want what was about to happen next.

"You look beautiful tonight." Tyler commented making Iman momentarily look up from the suddenly interesting menu.

"Umm... thanks." Iman said once again shielding herself from his gaze with the menu. Tyler arched a brow at how weird Iman was acting but brushed it off because he was too excited about what he was going to declare. He couldn't wait to get it out in the open and he couldn't wait to her say it back, because he dreamed about this moment for a very long time. He wanted it to be perfect hence the fancy restaurant with meals the two of them couldn't probably pronounce.

"Did you like it?" Tyler asked making Iman raise an eyebrow although he couldn't see it, her menu being in the way of her face.

"Like what?" Iman asked pulling the menu down so that Tyler could see her features.

"Today with my family." Tyler clarified.

"Yeah you're sibling are really nice and your mum is the sweetest." Iman commented because she did love meeting his family but she should of saw the signs. Why else would he want her to meet his parents if he wasn't going to say those three bigh words tonight, how could she have been so stupid?

"I'm glad my mum said she loves you, so did Tanner and Travis." Iman smiled at this making Tyler smile deeply too.

"I guess this leads into my next confession... actually." Tyler said his cheeks going red as he spoke, like Iman he was nervous but for a totally different reason.

"Great." Iman mumbled quiet enough that Tyler didn't hear it.

"Iman I'm just going to come out with this. I had a whole little speech about you but now we're here in the heat of the moment I just gonna say it nothing else."

"I love you." Tyler concluded and Iman gulped fear taking in.

"I-I umm..." Iman didn't know what to say. Tyler looked at her expecting something more but she couldn't give him anything more.

"You know you're meant to say it back." Tyler said chuckling nervously.

"I have to go! Right now I have to go." Iman said getting up abruptly and putting on her coat.

"Bye." Iman said avoiding Tyler's eyes as he sprinted out of the restaurant.

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