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Iman chuckled as she felt the scruff of Tyler's barely there beard on the exposed skin of her neck, Tyler let out a low chuckle as he heard the glorious sound of Iman laughing. He looked up at her with a small smirk and raised eyebrows only making Iman laugh even more.

"What?" Iman asked acting as if she had no idea why Tyler was staring up at her.

"You were laughing." Tyler stated and Iman couldn't help but let a few chuckles pass her lips at the fake hurt look on Tyler's face.

"Was I?" Iman asked wiggling her eyebrows slightly at Tyler who looked at her with adoration.

"Maybe I was hearing things." Tyler replied stroking Iman's exposed thigh before gripping it lightly. He pressed a few kisses to her neck making her laugh like a school girl at the feel of his beard on her neck.

"Maybe you were." Iman said and Tyler stop pressing kisses to her neck and moved his head to face her. Iman leaned forward pressing her lips to Tyler's. He gripped her thigh roughly as he heard her moan into the kiss, the noise was pure bliss to him. He pulled back from lack of oxygen and his attention immediately went to her neck. His teeth raked across the flesh making Iman whimper slightly at the contact. Before they both knew it Tyler using his tongue and teeth to leave Iman marks that would raise a lot of questions especially to her family. Just as Tyler pulled away from her neck and was about to pull her in for a kiss they were interrupted.

"Were you guys seriously just fucking right infront of us?" Iman hid her face in Tyler's neck as he looked at the speaker.

"Just sit down Ian you're lucky I invited you." Tyler said and Ian rolled his eyes before sitting down opposite the couple.

"Yeah I am so glad I walked into the restaurant to see Iman on your lap and you leaving her hickeys." Ian sassed making Tyler groan and Iman only hide her face further into the crook of Tyler's neck. Tyler pressed a kiss to her forehead as his hand stroked her thigh soothingly.

Iman took a deep breath before removing her head from Tyler's neck to look at Ian who flashed a her a big smirk afterall he had just witnessed her and Tyler 'practically having sex' right in front of him.

"Hey Ian." Iman greeted shyly this was her first time actually meeting Ian face to face, if he was anything like he was on Instagram then she was sure that the two could get along.

"Hey Iman I'm glad to finally see you in real life because you are beautiful." Ian said making Iman chuckle. Tyler on the otherhand gave him the biggest death glare so much that Ian raised his hands in surrender.

"Don't worry heckles I'm not going to steal your girl but when Daniel gets here I'm sure he will." Ian said winking at Iman who couldn't help but laugh at Ian.

"Whatever just stop staring!" Tyler said pressing a kiss to Iman's neck silently telling Ian to back away from his girlfriend.

"Fine I will but there's Daniel and I doubt he's going to stop." Ian said gesturing towards Daniel to was striding towards the table with a huge smile on his face. Once Daniel got to the table he sat down smirking at the sight of Iman placed on Tyler's lap and his hand resting on her thigh.

"I'm Daniel." Daniel introduced himself to Iman with a sly grin evident on his face.

"I know you played Isaac and Isaac was my fave." Iman said winking at him. Ian and Daniel laughed causing Tyler to arch his brows because he had not seen Iman wink at his friend.

"Well Iman meet me in the bathroom in five minutes and I'm sure I can show you why I'm everyone's favourite." Daniel said winking back at Iman who was smirking at him.

Anger flashed across Tyler's features momentarily forgetting that Daniel was taking the piss and all around annoying him. "What did you say?" Tyler asked anger building up inside of him. Daniel looked scared for a small second before him and Ian burst out laughing making Iman do so too.

"Tyler I'm joking I just wanted to piss you off and it quite clearly worked." Daniel said and Tyler relaxed slightly. Iman pressed a kiss to his stubble making easing him and his clear jealousy.

"So when are you guys having babies?" Ian randomly asked making Iman nearly spit her wine out. Iman chuckled nervously trying to think of a suitable answer.

"Give me a few minutes and then you'll have your babies." Iman replied and Ian laughed he loved just how light hearted and funny she could be.

"Will you name one Ian?" He asked and Iman laughed.

"Only if I want the baby to be forty, single and childless then in that case yes I'll call the baby Ian." Iman sassed making Tyler smiled like a proud boyfriend.

"I like her!" Ian commented to Tyler and Daniel nodded in agreement.

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