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Iman and Tyler left the eatery walking hand in hand, the pair attracted some looks which they welcomed. Most of the stares were from old woman and girls cooing over how cute the pair were; to them Iman and Tyler looked like two people in love and not two people who had shared their first date together only moments ago. Iman and Tyler said nothing, they walked down the streets of Vancouver in comfortable silence revelling in eachother's company - a much needed break from both of their hetic lives.

The weather was nice and the sun was shining, their date was promising and their future was certain and even if something was to happen their shippers (Tyler Posey, Ian Bohen and Daniel Sharman) would quickly rectify the situation. Iman gazed at Tyler with adoration as the pair continued to walk down the street; she nearly fell a few times but it was worth it, the sight of Tyler was worth it.

"Stop staring!" Tyler said, he had noticed Iman studying his face and features as the pair walked along but he didn't say anything - the attention from her made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.

"You love it really Hoechlin." Iman said raising her eyebrows suggestively and Tyler chuckled softly, Iman could never get enough of that noise.

"Maybe." Tyler said with a slight smirk and Iman's lips curved into a smile that would be etched onto her face for the rest of the day.

"So Tyler where are we going? Not that I don't love surprises which I obviously do especially the part where I'm blindfolded." Iman joked, her smile not leaving her face and Tyler's wide smile staying in the same place.

"To your hotel because Tyler told me if he didn't have you back by 6pm then he would beat the crap out of me." Tyler replied and Iman laughed knowing how much of  a protective friend Tyler Posey was, she was glad he was.

"He's starting to sound like my dad it's scary." Iman commented.

"He's over protective it's cute." Tyler noted and Iman nodded agreeing with him because she knew that Tyler Posey only had her best interests at heart.

"I know. I'm surprised he didn't threaten to beat you up." Iman joked because Posey had threatened (and scared away) her previous suitors.

"He did but he said he wouldn't hurt me too much because we're friends." Tyler said running his thumb along Iman's fingers, the gesture made Iman's heart flutter and heat rise to her cheeks.

"Awh he's too kind." Iman said after a few moment of silence, she couldn't form even form a sentence a one point because  all she could think about was the feeling of Tyler's thumb running along hers.

Tyler didn't reply because like Iman he was revelling in the feeling of her fingers under his thumb. He'd be lying if he said he didn't see himself falling in love with her because all he thought about was her from the moment she accidentally tagged him in her photo on Instagram.

Iman and Tyler hadn't even noticed that they were rapidly approaching the hotel and that the pair would have to say goodbye soon enough (despite Tyler's effort to prolong the inevitable). The two of them were just enjoying eachother's company completely forgetting about everybody else in the world walking beside and passing them on the sidewalk.

"Umm... Tyler I think we're here." Iman said as Tyler was about to lead them both straight past the hotel. Iman didn't know what the hotel looked like but she took an educated guess and assumed that was the hotel her and Tyler Posey were staying in.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry I just got a little caught up." Tyler said because he was to consumed in his thoughts of Iman.

"It's fine." Iman said smiling sweetly at him as Tyler led her into the hotel. The decor wasn't something she could of imagine Tyler Posey picking but she gathered he wasn't the Tyler who booked the hotel.

The (soon to be) couple made it to her room and stood by the door just looking at eachother, taking in features like it was the last time they would ever see eachother.

"I should go now. Right?" Iman asked because she wanted to spend more time with Tyler.

"You should even though I don't want you to." Tyler said and it shocked him because he assumed he didn't have the guts to admit that he didn't want to leave her side.

"I don't want you to go either." Iman said and that surprised her just like how Tyler's confession surprised him.

"Will you two just kiss already?" Tyler Posey shouted from behind the door having heard the two 'love birds'.

Iman shook her head embarrassed at her friend's words, Tyler placed his finger under her chin and pulled her head up so that she was looking him directly in the eyes. Iman sucked in a breath as Tyler got closer.

"Would it be bad if I kissed you on the first date?" Tyler asked not knowing the protocall on doing such things, he wasn't one who went on dates regularly he tended to focus on his career.

"Not even tiny bit." Iman responded and Tyler lowered his head capturing his lips on Iman's. From the other side of the door clapping could be heard from Tyler because 'it was about damn time they kissed'.

Tyler pulled back smiling widely at Iman who returned his smile just as wide as his.

"Now I really don't want to leave." Tyler said and Iman chuckled beaming widely at Tyler who was just taken away from the kiss as well as in awe of her beauty.

"If you don't then Tyler may kick your ass." Iman said and Tyler laughed.

"She's right I will!" Tyler posey said startling Iman because she had forgotten he was on the otherside of door. She was still thinking of the kiss her and Tyler Hoechlin had just shared.

"I don't want you to get hurt so sadly it looks like you're gonna have to go." Iman said chuckling.

"Well then I'll be going. I'll talk to you soon Iman and I can't wait for another date." Tyler said placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I can't wait either." Iman said.

"Goodbye." Tyler said smiling at her. Iman didn't want him to leave but she knew he had to.

"Bye Tyler I'll see you soon."

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