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Iman walked aimlessly around the airport, she was trying to find Tyler Posey but he said he vanished out of sight and Iman was worried. She had joked previously on Instagram that she would abandon him at the airport but both her and Tyler knew she was joking about the matter, humour was her strong point finding people in a crowded airport was not.

Iman had walked around in circles for the past 20 minutes she was lucky that their flight was delayed otherwise she would of missed her chance out of Vancouver not that she would of minded. In all honestly Iman wanted to stay in Vancouver and be as close to Tyler Hoechlin as possible; one kiss and she was all his. She didn't expect things to happen so suddenly but Iman was glad that it did but the kiss played in the back of her mind making her want to stay by Tyler's side forever.

"Iman!" She whipped around quickly hoping that the voice calling out to her was her lost best friend. When she turned around she didn't in a million years think that the person occupying her thoughts would be there - Tyler Hoechlin.

"Tyler?" Iman asked in disbelief because she felt as if it was all a dream of hers.

"It's me don't worry." Tyler said and Iman's face lit up with joy. She felt an overwhelming urge to run into his arms like they do in the movies. Iman did her best to try and hide her obvious excitement over Tyler standing right in front of her. Iman had only just realised as she took a step back to look at him fully that Tyler was holding a bouquet of sunflowers - her favourite flowers, she wondered how he had even known that considering the topic had never come up.

"What are you doing here?" Iman asked and Tyler smiled and looked down and Iman swore she could see a blush creep across his cheeks.

"Because I'm an idiot." Tyler replied and Iman didn't understand what he was talking about. She raised an eyebrow signalling that she had no clue why he was saying those things.

"I'm meant to be on set right now but I came here because I needed to say goodbye to you." Tyler declared and Iman's eyes had a twinkle in them as she looked at Tyler.

"I feel like there's a but." Iman said because it felt like a speech in one of those romantic movies.

"There is and it's I need to say goodbye but I don't want to Iman. I want you and nothing else. I want you to stay here with me." Tyler said and Iman couldn't believe what she was hearing, he wanted her to stay as much as she wanted to.

"You know I can't even as much as I'd love to say here with you." Iman said smiling sadly because she did want to stay with him but she had family and a job back in California, she couldn't just abandon her life for a potential relationship.

"Be my girlfriend." Tyler blurted out and Iman looked at him as if he was crazy.

"What?" Iman choked out because she wanted to know if she heard him right.

"I said be my girlfriend." Tyler said unfazed as if it was something normal to ask of her.

"We've been on one date Tyler you're insane." Iman said.

"I may be crazy but that's only because I'm crazy for you. Who cares if we've only been on one date we can go on plenty more when you're officially mine. I like you Iman, I like you lot heck I think I may even love you. So what do you say will you my girlfriend?" Tyler asked and Iman's smile was enormous.

Iman didn't say anything but she did run into Tyler's arms kissing him deeply giving him her answers because afterall action speek louder than words. As the two kissed people around stopped and looked at the new couple, some with disgusted faces and some with smiles at the picture of young love. When they both pulled back they had the biggest smiles on their faces.

"So is that a yes?" Tyler asked.

"That's a hell yes!"

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