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@Imanhighton: I'm basically a model now btw

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@Imanhighton: I'm basically a model now btw

17, 984 likes - 11, 234 comments

@shellehennig: Look at those boobs i'm jealous af

@arden_cho: Can I have your body please?

@Imanhighton: @shelleyhennig I'll give you my tips for good boobs if you give me dance lessons

@shelleyhennig: It's a deal @Imanhighton

@Imanhighton: @arden_cho: I'm kinda using it at the moment so this is awkward...

@I_love_harveys: You look hot and I look hot today let's meet up and make hot babies 

@Imanhighton: @I_love_harveys: I'm good maybe next time

@I_love_harveys: You're no fun @Imanhighton

@Imanhighton: @I_love_harveys: Neither is the thought of having sex with you

@IanBohen: @I_love_harveys You just got roasted ha!

@DanielSharman: @IanBohen You're so fucking embarrassing Ian why are we friends? Who the fuck types ha!?

@IanBohen: We're part of the Timan shippers club you can't hate on me @DanielSharman

@DanielSharman: Stop reminding me that your 10 years older than me and I won't have to @IanBohen

@Imanhighton: @DanielSharman @IanBohen Stop bitching you are both hoes end of the story

@JxmesLuton: Fuck you look hot

@JxmesLuton: Dm me asap

@tylerl_hoechlin: Who the fuck is this guy? ^

@IanBohen: @tylerl_hoechlin I don't know but I hate him already

@DanielSharman: He needs to back off @tylerl_hoechlin @IanBohen

@JxmesLuton: @DanielSharman No I don't so why don't you fuck off

@DanielSharman: You do because Iman has a boyfriend @tylerl_hoechlin

@JxmesLuton: Yes and she also has an ex boyfriend who was going to marry who just so happens to be me @DanielSharman

@DanielSharman: Oh

@JxmesLuton: That's what I thought 


[Daniel created the group 'Timan Protection Squad']

Daniel; Did you guys see that James guy on instagram?

Ian; Yeah I can't believe he said he and Iman used to be together

Daniel; Do you think he's lying?

Tyler H; He has to be Iman has never mentioned anything thing about a guy called James when she told me about her ex-boyfriends

Ian; Maybe we should ask tpose maybe he knows something about him

Tyler H; Add him to the group because I need to know this James guy is giving me a bad vibe

Daniel; That or you're super jealous because another guy was hitting on your girlfriend

Tyler H; Just fucking add him

[Daniel added Tpose to the group]

Tpose; What's going on?

Tyler H; Do you know who James Luton is?

Tpose; No why?

Tyler H; Because he said he was Iman's ex-boyfriend

Tpose; I've never heard of him maybe he was lying

Tyler H; Oh okay thanks


[Texts bewteen Tyler Posey and Iman]

Tyler; He's back again

so things are going to get very angsty in the next few chapters and you'll get to see some jealous!tyler hoechlin because everybody needs some jealous tyler hoechlin in their lives!

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