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"We're here!" Tyler exclaimed practically jumping up and down in the airport. Iman rolled her eyes at her friend's over-excitement.

"Where exactly is here?" Iman asked considering Tyler had gone to extreme lengths to ensure that the location of their sudden vacation was kept a surprise from her.

"Be patient." Tyler said but how could she? Whenever Tyler surprised her it always ended up going donwhill as soon as he found out the surprise so she wasn't particularly looking forward to this surprise.

"Somedays I seriously wonder why I'm still friends with you." Iman said with her version of a serious face.

"I love it when you get serious with me Iman, it's kinda hot." Tyler stated and Iman chuckled her serious facade gone.

"Are we ever going to leave the airport or no?" Iman asked because as per usual she was impatient - her curiosity getting the better of her.

"In a second but when we do I'm going to have to blindfold you." Tyler said and Iman's eyes practically rolled out of her head.

"WHAT?!" Iman asked because she thought Tyler was out of his mind.

"Oh come on it will be more fun this way." Tyler said and Iman was still as unconvinced as she was a moment ago.

"What kind of person thinks blindfolding their best friend is fun?"

"This person." Tyler said pointing towards himself.

"I hate you." Iman stated.

"I love you too. Now let's put this blindfold on." Tyler said pulling a blindfold out of the back pocket of his jeans.

"Tyler don't do this." Iman begged but it was too late because Tyler approached her from behind and with ease put the blindfold on.

"How am I meant to walk?" Iman asked but Tyler couldn't answer because he hadn't thought that one through.

"We'll make it up as we go along." Tyler said pushing her forward.

"What about our luggage?" Iman asked as Tyler pushed her forward through the crowd.

"Don't worry about that just keep moving." Tyler said and Iman did trying her hardest not to trip on her own two feet.

After 15 minutes of Tyler pushing Iman and Iman falling down about 8 times the pair made it outside the airport.

"We're here!"

"You've said that about 20 times already so we better be outside or I'm going to punch you in the face." Iman said and Tyler knew she wasn't joking, her right hook was phenomenal.

"Don't punch me please because we're actually outside." Tyler said.

"Can I take my blindfold off?"Iman asked even though she knew it was a long shot.

"What do you think?" Tyler asked.

"No." Iman answered and Tyler patted her head, he was being a little too cocky for Iman's liking so she showed him who's boss.

"Did you seriously just kick me in the balls?" Tyler asked holding his crotch in pain.

"Maybe, did you just pat my head in praise like you do with your dogs?" Iman said outsmarting her cocky friend despite the fact that she was blindfolded.

"Let's drop the subject and get in the car." Tyler suggested and Iman smirked knowing that she had finally somehow shut Tyler up.

Iman was going to say something but all that escaped her lips was a squeal because she was scooped up from who she assumed was her best friend but in reality was another Teen Wolf star also called Tyler.

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