Your Brother

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I yawned and took a slice of pizza, we hand finished the head, all we needed to do was paint.

"Dave." He groaned and sat up "what?" "Cant I stay over" He shrugged and let his face fall back on the pillow, holding up a thumbs up.

I laid back, my parents were never around so it's not important to call them, plus they trust me and Dave, seeming how he's never acted put, or given them a reason to not trust him.

Dave sat up "I'm gonna find you cloths then get in the shower, go start up a game or something." He waved me off and grabbed a couple of shorts and stuff.

Dave left the room then came back with boxers and a large shirt "you'll have to figure the bra thing out." He tossed the cloths at me then left once again.

I rolled my eyes and got up to shut the door, so I could get dressed.

Once done changing, I wandered into the living room and started up the system, the Xbox chiming softly.

Ok, let's see what games these noobs have.

Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Fable, Assassin's Creed-oooo Fall out!

I popped the disk in and discarded the rest of the stack of video games.

I focused on playing till there was a sharp breath, my cheeks burned, I turned to look at the couch to see Bro sitting there.. watching me "oh, er... hey Mr. Strider.." Gog this is awkward, I'm left alone again with my insanely hot teacher in shorts and loose fitting shirt.

He cleared his throat and turnd his head "Dave give you those cloths?" "Yeah.." he cursed under his breath "so I take your staying over?" I nodded and he got up and dissapeared.

Wait, what the hell?

I turned back around and sighed, I died, man this guy's a distraction... how am I supposed to focus around him?

His perfect tan skin, his sharp jaw line, his strong muscular form, his exotic personality and person.. and the fact he's super good looking. I swear he could be a model.

I shook my head to rid of my dwelling thoughts and continued playing till my eyes started to feel heavy.

When Dave takes showers, man does he take forever.

I saved the game, then turned of the console. Letting out a small grunt as I stood up. Quite frankly this whole scenario is strange however you put it.

I laid on the couch, texted my mom then fell asleep.

==time skip==

My eyes flutered open as Dave began to shake me awake, the sun was shining through the window "yo, wake up, it's almost time for school and your mom dropped off your cloths." I nodded, Dave walked into the kitchen and I threw off the blanket... wait.

Did Dave cover me? Awww

I smiled "thanks Dave!" The blond came back sipping aj with a raised brow "for?" Now it was my turn to raise a brow "for covering me up."

Dave scratched the back of his head "you were like that when I got out of the shower. No shoo! Go get dressed."

I stuck my tonuge out at him and flipped him of, him only compling to flipping me off.

I guess Bro must have covered me up.. that was sweet I guess.

I quickly get dressed and Dave and I run to school, cause we were almost late case let's face it, Dave spent to much time changing his pants after I threw aj at him.

We ran and entered the school both saying our goodbeys and I ran into English class.

Yes! Made it.

Teacher!Bro! X Reader Failing In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora