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The next day was long to say the lest, and after a few days I was in sweet, sweet detention. For my talking back.

I walked in and noticed the usual trouble crew was there, mainly consisting of Karkat, Vriska, Terezi and Sollux.

I sat next to Sollux, knowing his reason for being in here, would be way more intresting then Karkats. Sollux was kinda a legend , best known for hacking into teacher files and pulling some weird bee pranks.

Sollux laughed softly, smirking and leaning back, what he was in for this time was setting the lab on fire 'accidently'. Honestly it wouldn't be the first time that lab has burnt down, Dave and John can't work as partners in that class anymore. And the teacher took a step further by swapping their classes in an attempt to keep them away from eachother.

The door swung open and Sollux turned to look at our detention teacher, his eyes widen behind his glasses and he cursed "fuck." Sollux growled, lips twitching down wards, Karkat groaned and Terezi chuckled. Bro had walked in. Vriska rolled her eyes and paid no attention to the man, only throwing him a glance when he called her name for roll.

"Uh, Gamzee Makara?" Everyone went quiet, Vriska spoke up. Her face showing pure bordem "He must have skipped. The usual." Bro put down the clip bored and his glasses glided down slightly, but it wasn't enough to show us what was behind them.

Sollux nodded and added a "yeah, he never comes to Detention, the teacher usually marks him down amyway." Bro start in his seat, his arms crossing. Oh my gosh, his fucking muscles.

"And why should I do that?" Sollux gave him a are you fucking kidding me look "because the Grand high Blood his his dad." Bro didn't seem to care, he sung his legs on the desk and leaned back "that means nothing to me."

Karkat shivered, I rubbed his back to calm him, Terezi cackled "ok, who's Jealous!? I can smell it!" She cackled again, I looked at Bro and he seemed a bit taken back from that coment Vriska Oooed and looked at Sollux "it wathn't me, don't give me that look, I already have a special some one remember" "I still don't know how she said yes." Everyone but Sollux laughed at my coment, hell even Karkat.

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