Pounce him

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In the past week I've been invited to the striders house many of times by Bro and Dave, not to mention the fact Bro treats me different in class.

Man they're only making the feelings I have even more confusing.

I shook my head and sighed staring at the test Mr. Vantas had handed out, Vriska leaned over "hey, can I cheat on the test? I didn't study." I let out a sigh and nodded, pulling out a pice of paper and scribbling down the answers.

I then handed it over to the spider girl and she grinned "thank. You." She then began to scribble down the answers, my lips twitched up, this was a usual for the spider girl.

I stood up and set the papper on the desk with a light grin. Then handed Vriska the answer sheet, she grined and thanked me adding some sort of playful flirtation.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out, it was Bro.

'(Y/n) come into my room after school.'

My cheeks felt warm and a warm felling seemed to kiss my skin, I quickly typed back an accepting reply and set my phone back down, man I whish I wasn't me in this moment, two hot guys fighting for me, one is my best Bro, and the other is his Brother.

What the hell is wrong with me [nonsense you're amazing] I laid my head down and a soft back rub was given to me, I didn't need to look to know it was John doing his best to comfort me.

Thank the gogs for this perftect geek boy.

The classes after seemed to drag on, I was really excited to talk to Bro, I even consulted karkat about it, who only flipped out along with a nosey Nepeta and Kanaya, and I say this in the most loving way possible.

Kanaya said if he started to touch me in my "no no places' to flail and scream rape. Thanks mom, you're the best.

Nepeta and Karkat both had a similar reply to my problem which was "let him talk, see what he wants and if you like it pounce him."

Of course of might do the first part but the second... not so much.

Near towards the end of the day I hung out with Dave, we completely nailed our lil skit for theater production, which was great for us. Dave today had been a bit clingy and trying to get me to go with him after school.. did he know?... was he afraid of... losing me?... man who knows what goes through a Striders mind 24/7. Hell I'm not even sure they know.

I shook my head and made my way to Bros room, welp... this is it. Here goes nothing.

Teacher!Bro! X Reader Failing In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now