Love tips

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The next morning, I did as Karkat said and went over to his hive around one. And like the cute horned troll promised he gave me advice. Through God awful romcoms and other things.

For a troll who hasn't been in a relationship he sure knows quite alot, it kinda sad... for the both of us.

As the day went on Nepeta then Kanaya got involved. Turns out Karkat let it slip what happen, and mama Kanaya quickly hauled ass over here, as did Nepeta. Kanaya and her decided on my wardrobe as Karkat had a real talk with me.

Nepeta drew in the corner "so are you gonna talk to him?" She questioned, gently tapping the pincle against her lips "yeah, why did you run?" Karkat asked, watching as Kanaya played with my hair.

"Well I was embarrassed for one. He's my best friends older brother!" That seemed to remind karkat of something, cause his eyes locked with mine "what the fuck are you gonna tell that albino Dick money with glasses?"

I shrugged "I donno.. maybe his brother will tell him" Kanaya made a noise "I donno... Striders are... awfuly hard to predict." Nepeta nodded then squealed "what if Bro tells Dave of his undying love for you! But Dave gets jealous and it results in a huge fight to win your heart!"

Karkat perked up "or! Dave becomes enraged and strifes his brother! And one of them dies" Kanaya sighed as the two love fanatics went on about all the possibilitys.

I looked up at Kanaya and she smiled, then placed a kiss on my head "I'm Sure Whatever Happens The Striders Won't be To Barbaric." I smiled softly and turned to hug Kanaya "thanks Kan.." she hugged back "No Problem."

Around 9 is when I left, Karkat offered to walk me, but I assured him I would be fine, sure I got a small rant about how "ungrateful" I was for not taking up his offer, but it wasn't to long.

Once home I imideatly went for the small couch. I was so tired! I checked my phone and made a mental note to answer Dave back when I wake up, I doubt on will remember.

Or I could answer now, ya I'll answer now

-Dave: can I ask you something?

-Dave: (Y/n)? Yo, you there?

-you: yeah, what's up Dave?

-Dave: real talk?

Oh no, that doesn't sound good, Dave's serious.

-you: yeah, what's wrong you ok?

-Dave: do you like my Bro?

Teacher!Bro! X Reader Failing In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now