Almost Caught

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It was Mr. Egbert "Strider how many times have I told you not to lock this door!" John's dad scolded, but he seemed more playful. His gaze shifted towards me and he waved "ah, (Y/n)! It's good to see you! Why haven't you come over for my cakes." He said frowning playfully.

I smiled, and decided to mess with his son "John said you didn't like me over." Mr. Egbert gasped and touched his chest. "That boy!" I giggled and Mr. Egbert smiled lightly and leand against Bros desk.

Mr. Egbert and I have always been cool, John dislikes how his dad made some what friends with me and tried to keep me away from his place.

Mr. Egbert and I continued to chat, (it was rare we do) until we heard a snap, I turned to look at Bro, who had orange ink mixed with red all over his hand "Damn..." Mr. Egbert jumped and scrambled off to go get some paper towels.

I took Bros hand in mine and his ears tinted a light pink, he looked away and I smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

He was jealous... cute.

Bro huffed as Mr. Egbert ran back in with a shit load of papper towels and bandaids, I giggled softly as he threw them to Mr. Strider then dissapeared again to grab something, not noticing Bro was holding my hand.

I began to clean up Bros hand, and patching it up, some peaces of plastic was in his skin, but it wasn't too deep..

Bro thanked me and Mr. Egbert ran back in with a new pack of pens, tossed it to Mr. Strider and apologized and left the room closing the door.

Bro let out a sigh "is your hand ok?" He nodded "yeah, it didn't hurt to bad." He mumbled softly. I placed a kiss on his cheek and his cheeks warmed up at the contact, Bro smiled softly.

I smiled back and Bro offered to give me a ride, of course I accepted and we both headed out togather, not hand in hand for there are cameras and lingering students, but one particular student caught my eye as we were walking out, I couldn't tell who they were but I knew they were tall.. they had this look on their face.. one of a predator watching it's pray, the female made a noise then walked off...

I shifted uncomfortably... who was that?

As soon as we reached the car, Bro unlocked it and we both got in. He took my hand in his then speed out of the school parking lot. The car ride was radio silent and I enjoyed, his presence alone gave me comfort. I smiled, my heart pounding a bit, and I felt a little sad when he parked near my house.

"Alright we're-" as he turned his head to look at me I took off my seat belt and shifted towards him, and out lips collided. Bro hummed softly cupping my cheek, as his free hand worked quickly to remove his seat belt.

The kiss was sweet and gentle, Bro pushed me away and chuckled softly, but there was something off, like he was restraining himself from something "you should get inside princess." I nodded and kissed his cheek, then hopped out of the car.

Bro bit his lip, watching me as I walked away waving a goodbey to him.

==Bro's POV==

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed "God damn this girl is gonna be the death of me..." I uttered watching her enter the establishment.

Teacher!Bro! X Reader Failing In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now