Chapter 4

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Clary's P.o.v

I wake up, still in pink, at what looks in the afternoon. I stand up from the bed and I feel a pain in my chest and drop to the ground.

Refusing to cry and scream, I clenched my chest and tried to get up. I only fall again.

The pain isn't something I did to myself, but what someone else is doing. Who is doing this to me?

When the pain is almost bearable, I figure out how I could stand up.

As I get up, I struggle to find balance. But when I do, I go straight to the bathroom to change.

When I get in the bathroom, I start to take off my shirt. As I pull it off, I notice something different.

I have a rune. It's not a gray book rune, it looks full of hatred and Horrific. Only one person could have done this. Evil him self. Sebastian.

I was staring to think, how could he. Then I reminded myself of everything he's done, and what happened before I black out.

I go down stairs and I him. I want to run away, but I wouldn't get far, so I stay. He comes to me and tries to kiss me. That's when I loose it.

I push him away hard, and then I feel the pain. When he sees the look of shock, he pulled me close to him. I try to resist, but he doesn't move.

"We are now bounded. You and I. Now I have one more thing I need you to do." Bounded? What? He smiles and I see a look hunger in his eyes. I feel like my legs are taken from out me, but I'm still standing.

"What do you want me to do." I snarl at him. Wanting to leave, or at lest be with Jace and my mom.

"Want you to love me."

"Hell no," I tell him "I couldn't love a beast like you. You demon."

He looks hurt and says "If you want to save Jace you will."

He knows I'll do anything for him, I don't want him to get hurt. "Okay, I'll do it. What do you need." He looks shock at defeat, but I'm not risking Jace. Not for anything.

"Repeat after me." He says. I nod, and he says what he wants me to say, and I begin.

"I shall love this one, the one I'm bounded to. For I'm an his and I will be at his side for plans." I kills me to say but Jace could die if I don't say it.

Soon I forget everything only thinking about the one I love. Sebastian.

"Hello my love." I tell him and he smiles.

A/N: I know it's short, but I'm in the car and it's my brithday. I'll write more tomorrow!➰➰➰

~Stay fearless and brave,

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