Chapter 15

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Clary's P.o.v

"What I mean, is we should try and get to know each other." I tell them.

"Then what would we do?" Jem asks.

"We could talk." I suggest.

"Wow, shocking, I never knew we could." Says Will, and Tessa smacks his arms.

"We could play a game?" Izzy suggests.

"Sure what kind of game?" I ask.

"Truth or dare." She says.

"How do we play?" Tessa asks.

"Some one will ask you truth or fare, and of you say truth you have to answer the question truthfully, and if you say dare, you have to do the dare." I says in almost a 'duh'.

"Sit in a circle!" Isabelle shouts.

"Great! Back to kindergarten!" Will says, and Tessa and Jem laugh. You could tell they've been through a lot together.

"Oh shut up." Izzy says, grinning.

"Okay, I'm first." Izzy says. "Clary truth or dare?" She asks me.

"Truth." I says.

"Okay, who was your first kiss?" She ask me.

"Jace." I say and Jace looks surprised.

"Will, truth or dare." I ask.

"Dare." He says.

"I dare you to tell me your worst fear." I say with an evil grin.

"Du-.." I hear the beginning.

"A little louder." Jem says, with the same evil grin.

"Ducks! The Bloodthirsty little beasts!" He shouts and we all roll on the ground laughing.

"Both of them!" I yell, and we all laugh harder.

"It must be a Herondale thing." Jem says, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." Will says. "My trun, Jace, truth or dare." Will says, with a devil grin.

"Dare." Jace says proudly.

"I dare you to tell Clary's mother about Clary being pregnant." And with that Jace's face looks like someone slapped him.

"Okay." Jace says, still a little worried.
"Let's go." And we do.

*At the Fairchild manor*

We walk into my mom's house in Idris, and when she answers the door, she goes to Tessa and hugs her.

"It's been a long time." Jocelyn says.

"Yes, it has been." Tessa agrees.

"I see you've met Clary." My mom says.

"Yes, at first I didn't recognize her, she's definitely not the baby I last saw." Tessa says.

"Please come in." Jocelyn says, and we follow her in.

"By the way, Jace here, has somethingto tell you." Will says.

"William?" Jocelyn says confused.

"How do you know me?" He asks, also confused.

"Tessa." Is all my mom says.

"What did you have to tell me jace?" Jocelyn asks.

"Clary's pregnant." He says looking down.

"YOU KNOCKED UP MY DAUGHTER! YOU-" She stops when I say "I asked." And she looks disappointing at me.

"Owww, Luke!" My mom screams as she drops to the ground in the Fairchild manor.

"Mom wha-" I was about to ask what it was then I remembered.

My mom's about to go in labor! How could I forget she was pregnant!

"Luke!" I cry and he comes over.

"Oh my-" He was saying but got interrupted my more of my mother's screams.

"We have to go to the hospital!" I say as Luke picks up my mom and Jace pikes up me because he doesn't want me to run, and we all dash to the hospital.

When we get there shadowhunter doctors take my mom and lead Izzy, Tessa and I to her room.

"You in labor, how long have you been in contrations(A/N: did I spell it right?)?" The doctor asks her.

"They just started, I think 5 minutes apart." My mother says.

"Okay, put her here." The doctor says and points to the bed and other shadowhunter doctors listen.

"Take her hand." The doctor tells Tessa and I and we do.

"Okay Jocelyn push." The doctor says, and my mom does and she keeps screaming.

"Now agian." The doctor says and she keeps screaming.

"Okay, I see the head, push two big pushes. Okay one." And she pushes. "Two." And Jocelyn goes a little pale but does as told and I here a child screaming.

"That was so gross." Izzy says.

"Hey, can draw an healing rune on my hand?" I ask Iz because I think my mom broke it.

"Sure." She does and brings the stele out.

"Izzy?" I asks when she's done with the rune.

"Um-uh." She says.

"Would you like to be parabatai?" I ask and she wisper/screams "Yes!"

Then we here my mom gasp, and look over to the bed she was on.

"Clary, she looks a little like you did when you were a baby, and her eyes aren't black!" She cries and I cry with her.

I'm a big sister.

"What should we name her?" I ask my mom.

"I don't know, got any names." Jocelyn says.

Tessa and I look at each other and I say "Valery." As Tessa says "Charlotte." And then all four of us start laughing.

"How about Valery Charlotte Fairchild." My mom asks, saddening at he last name.

"I love it!" Tessa, Izzy and I says and we all laugh agian.

Now the boys come in.

"Are you okay? What's her name? Is everything all right?" Luke asks my mother and I smile at them.

Just then Jace wrappes her arms around my waist, and I see my mom answering Lukes questions.

"I can't wait till her have our own baby here." Jace says and my smile gets bigger.

"Me too." I tell her.

"What's he name?" He asks, pointing to the red head and silvery green eyed child.

"Valery Charlotte Fairchild." I tell him and he nods and smiles.

I have a little sister.
My little Val.

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