#1.The Day You Told Me

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Everything went silent...it was as if the whole world froze and my life just stopped...We stood there in the hall, I didn't know what to say tears started to run down my cheeks. " Hey don't worry the cancer isn't that bad I'll be around to annoy you for a really long time okay Ali."Steven said wiping the tears away from my eyes. I nodded trying to stop then river of tears running down my face.

How would you react if your best friend of 3 years just told you that he had cancer? I think I had a reasonable reaction to that.

Steven and I stood in the hall for about 10 minutes and then went back to the lunch room to rejoin our friends. "So where did you guys go?" Jamie asked as we sat back down. Steven had only told me about his cancer so I didn't want to tell them. "Just to Stevens locker... I left my phone in it this morning" I said with a forced smile on my face. "Okay then!" She shrieked at the table making me title at the way she made everyone in the room look at us.

The bell rang and we left the lunch room and made our way to our lockers, which were funny enough right next to each other all 7 of them. Getting our books we all sport to get our classes Jamie and Steven, Blake (Stevens brother) and I, Andy, Johnny and Hannah all separated and went to our classes.

"So he told you didn't he?" Blake said as we walked down the stairs to our history class " Yeah he did... I just can't believe that it happened to him." The rest of the way was silent.

The rest of the day was long and I was very quiet which was weird because I was one of the loudest girls in school...The bell rang and out everyone ran of the class I packed up slowly and sighed as I walk out of the class and to my locker everyone waiting for me with smiles on there faces even Steven...Which made me smile, I walked faster and got to my locker chucking my books in it...

" WHO'S READY FOR THE WEEKEND!!!" I Screamed "WE ARE!!!" They sang in unison
A giggle leaving my lips I saw Stevens smile grow even larger...


Hey guys so this is my first book so I hope you like it!!!

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