#11 Fight with the devil...

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I arrived at the hospital and walked into Stevens room...

"Ali I'm sorry I just couldn't..."

"COULDN'T WHAT! HUH TELL ME THE TRUTH"I say storming out Sky following quickly behind me...I get to the car and slide to the floor and put my head in my hands and started sobbing. I heard foot steps come towards me, it was Blake...

"What do you want?!" I say into my hands. He sat next to me and hugged me I got up and walked to Ashtons house which was down the road. I knocked on the door and he answered..." Hey Panda what you doing here?" he said Ashton was a best friend to me when I couldn't tell Sky,Steve,Blake or Jamie. " I need to leave here now!" I said walk into his house with tear stained cheeks.

"Okay lemme grab some clothes and my keys we'll stop at your house quickly." I nodded he was used to running away with me for a while...once we ran away for 2 weeks my mom usually knows when that happens. we hopped in the car got to my house a ran up stairs and packed a bag. I received a text.

Party Adam:
Hey babe can I come over?

Adam you can't running away...we can't be together right now I need a break..

I turned off my phone and ran outside to Ashtons car..."Right let's go!" I tell him.

Hours later Ashton was getting really tired so we decided to check into a beach side hotel.

We got our room and as soon as we got in to our room I went straight to the shower. The hot water was running down my face. I turned off the water and realized I didn't pack pj's..."Ash!" I screamed from the Bathroom "Yea!"

"Can I borrow a shirt I forgot my pj's!"


the door opened and I grabbed the shirt. I dried myself put the shirt on. I looked in the mirror I saw my faded purple hair and then had an idea...I ran outside the Bathroom and saw Ashtons friend Michael, they stared at me and then I spoke...

"Michael dye your hair blue with me!" I say

"Yea okay kiddo lets do it" he left the room and 20 minutes later came back with hair dye we both dyed it lightning blue. I walked out the room when I had blow dried it. Michael smiled at me and Ashton nodded his head in approval...

"So Mike you running away with us?" I ask

"No just came to say hello actually but maybe next time kiddo...right now I gotta go home so see ya soon?" he said leaving the room...

I went to sit next to Ash and put my head on his lap and soon I was fast asleep.

Truth is i never really liked Adam. I always had a small crush on Ash. He just made my knees weak and always knew how to make me smile.

I woke up to him jumping on the bed...


I got and got dresses in my light blue bikini that Sky brought me. when I left the room I was tackle by Ashton he was on top of me and when I looked up my cheeks turned red...

"Awwww am I making you nervous?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

He leaned in and brushed his lips over mine...

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