#25 Trouble in paradise...

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~~~Allison's P.O.V~~~
I was having a awful night out, Ashton was flirting with some girl, Luke and Zach are dancing with other girls Calums nowhere to be seen ,Micheals passed out on a couch and Luke and Sky aren't here. I'm currently sitting at the bar on the verge of tears, Micheal stumbled up to me ( he must've woken up) "Ey Bear!" he said standing in front of me "Hey" I said faking a smile, He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor and we started dancing, About  3 songs later some guy came up behind me and was holding on to my waist....let's have some fun! I started granting a bit and then he span me around "Hey babe wanna get outta here?" he said "aaa  ummm I-I...No." I said, he started pulling me towards the door I tried to get out of his grip but it was to strong. He pulled me outside and pushed me against the wall "Stop!" I said as he kissed down my neck "STOP!!!!" I screamed trying to push him off but then he forced his lips onto mine,"Ey mate I would move away from the lady now if I were you!" a familiar voice said I looked to where the voice was coming from it was...Calum!!! "Oh yea and what you gonna do about it if I don't?" the guy said still holding me to the wall "I'm sure you don't want to find out." Claim said quietly with a dodgy smirk on his face. The guy started kissing up and down my neck again "Thats it!" I heard something hit something else and then I opened my eyes to a guy lying on the floor and Calum holding his hand." Thank you Calum!" I said hugging him quickly a tear running down my cheek he hugged me tightly "Anything for my sister." just then Ashton came running out "Ali are you okay? I couldn't find you and then Mickey said you went outside! Baby are you okay?" I couldn't stand to be around him at that moment. "Ash you didn't even know where I was all night and now you care? you've been flirting with a total stranger for the past 3 hours right in front of me! so don't "Baby" me cause obviously you don't care about me cause I'm not good enough!" I said starting to walk away "Wait Ali I never said that please don't go!" he said running after me " DON'T  ASHTON! YOUVE ALREADY HURT ME .DONT JUST DONT!" tears streaming down my cheeks I held onto my stomach tight and walked to the pack across the road and sat on a swing I pulled out my phone and dialled Blake's Number.

"Hey Ali "

"Hey Blake I really just need to talk to some-"

"AAAAA ummm Ali can this wait I'm very busy right now...Talk tomorrow morning I've gotta go." he hang up the phone and I was left there on a swing freezing heart broken and lonely...all I needed was someone to give me hug... I started quietly sobbing into my hands and the I heard foot steps and looked up to see Calum and Michael "Come here" Micheal said opening his arms I ran and hugged him "Why does he keep doing that to me...making me fall in love and then breaking my heart?" I whispered into his chest "Babe  he's stupid for doing that but he was drunk and I know it hurts." he said into my ear "Should we walk back to the bus and get you to bed?" Calum asked "I don't want to walk" I said nodding my head no. "Okay then! claim on!" Calum said, I jumped on his back and we stared walking to the bus. I fell asleep on the walk to bus and when we got back Calum and Michael put me in bed and said goodnight.

===3 hours later===

I woke up and looked around everyone was back an in there bunks except for the two love birds Luke and Sky they were cuddling on Luke's bed. I jumped off my bed and went to get a bottle of water, I drank half of it and went to the Bathroom and looked in the mirror...I was a complete mess my make was all over my face and My blue hair looked like a family of birds were meant  to be living in there. I sighed and walked out the Bathroom to be caught by Ashton "Allison just let me explain." he said grabbing my arm "Theres nothing to explain I'm not good enough you made that clear!" I said walking  outside of the bus I walked to the park bathrooms across the parking lot I cleaned myself up and stood there for a while "Rough night?" someone said "Yea very" I said looking up into the mirror to see the girl that ash was flirting with..."Anyway I've gotta go nice meeting you bye." I said quickly walking passed her "Wait! ummm I wanted to ask. you know Ashton right? cause I saw you walk out of the same bus he went into you must be like his best friend" she said smiling "Yea something like that..." I said confused at why she was talking to me..."Awesome do could you like give him my number cause he was like really hot!"

"Ummmm sorry I can't."

"Why not?"

"Management says we can't give or take any numbers if we do we'll be fired...sorry sweety!" I said and quickly walked out of the bathrooms and back to the bus "Could you like give him like my number?" I said mimicking her annoying voice. How could Ash find that attractive...there literally nothing worse than someone who talks like that to make it worse she looked like a Barbie doll to! that made me slightly giggle. "Why you giggling at nothing Ali?" someone said I looked to where the voice was coming from and it was Zach...I told him and he started laughing to "there's nothing worse than a girl like that!" he laughed... I'm so glad I have them on tour with me or I wouldn't be able to survive!

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