#27 Star light...

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~~~Allisons P.O.V~~~
The stage was dark and the crowd...The crowd was loud tons of fans were screaming...tonight was our first full set on stage. The spot lights were bright and the stage was hot. We had a full hour on stage and it was amazing, however everything good has to come to an end.Our set had ended and we had to leave the stage for the boys.

~~~Skylars P.O.V~~~

We left the stage and it was the most amazing hour of our lives and we couldn't wait for it to happen again.I couldnt sit still, Ali and I were backstage watching the boys perform. The song ended and Ashton started speaking to the fans "Alright so you guys know that Luke is all cute and gross with Skylar from wonders of winter right?" the crowd went wild and Luke went the colour of a tomatoe which was so sweet.The crowd died down and he started speaking "So can I tell you guys a secret? Luke is not the only one in the band that is getting real close to one of the girls in Wow! I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Allison!" the crowd went even louder than before Ali was frozen in surprise next to me so I gave her a little push to get out onto the stage.

~~~Ashtons P.O.V~~~
Ali walks onto stage in shock and I get off my drum stand and open my arms so she can hug me. She ran into my arms and I spun her around "I thought you-you wanted to keep it a secret!" she giggled "I couldn't keep it a secret anymore, It breaks me when I can't speak about you!" she giggled and walked off the stage.

we finished our set and said goodbye to our fans and went back to our dressing our dressing room to get our bags we opened the door to see it fulled with cups of water and our stuff on the other side of the room " Aaaa shit!" Claim said making Wonders of winter laugh from down the hall I opened the other room door and it was fulled with balloons..."great!"

===1 hour later===

we managed to get to the other side of the room without breaking or stepping on any cups and now we were trying to get our stuff out of the room...What can I say tour...is gonna be so much fun with wonders of winter here!

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