The Fight

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    I get dressed and met John downstairs. We walked to where the masked man was, we stopped a little bit behind him. He was facing the other way, but he figured out we had come. "Ah, detectives. I was thinking you wouldn't show up," he paused, "John you can watch from the bleachers while your partner and I have a nice chat." He pointed at a bench that was next to us. John walked over to the bench and sat down. "Edward, I'm sorry that I have to do this. I really am." The man says with his altered voice. He pulls out a red and blue disk and I grab my gun.
    "You don't seriously think those disks are gonna beat my gun." The masked man smirked at my comment.  The masked man said "Trust me Holmes, they're all I need." He had each disk at the tips of his fingers, holding them in place  with his thumbs. As if he was ready to throw them at me. I lift my gun up and aim for his torso. I rest my finger on the side of the gun. "You don't have to do this. You could turn yourself in." I shout to the masked man. "At least tell me your name, before I have to kill you."
    He sets the red disk aside. The masked man takes off his mask. "My name is Valentine." He throws his mask to the side. Valentine then announced "And you won't be able to kill me. 'Cause I control these tornados. I am the reason this town is empty. I am your killer. Your friend here can live, I'm only here for you Holmes," he paused for a few seconds, "and you're the one who's gonna be killed." He connects the red and blue disk and gets ready to throw them. I get my gun aimed at his throwing arm. I hear John shouting my name, I hear my gun shooting, and I hear Valentine screaming in pain. Then all I see is red and blue going around me and I start spinning. Then I see nothing but darkness and I hear John screaming. I open my eyes and all I see is a hospital hallway and John telling me everything will be alright. My eyes are slowly closing. I'm trying my hardest not to close them. But, after a few minutes of fighting the urge to close my eyes, I fall in a deep sleep.

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