Awake for a few minutes

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    I walk into the dead room. John looks up at me. Then, he looks down at the victim. He repeated this about two more times, finally I looked down at the victim and saw me on the table. I look at John and ask "Why am I on the table?"
John answers "Because you died. How are you alive?"
"I don't remember dying." I say sarcastically while I pat myself down. John runs up and hugs me, which causes me to fall on the floor. I closed my eyes as I fell.
    And when I awoke I see that I'm in a hospital bed. I look around and I see John sleeping. "Hey John." I said weakly. John looks up at me and laughs. He was obviously happy to see me awake. He jumped out of the seat. "Edward, I didn't think you would ever awake." I looked at Johns arm and see that he's been hurt. I point to his wounds and ask, "What did you do?"
"When you shot your gun the tornado caused to go on a curve it hit Valentine and was about to hit you so, I jumped in front it. It hit my arm and I went flying because of the tornado."
"Thank you John." I felt something weird in my stomach. "The tornado, did it cause serious damage to me."
John told me that the tornado caused my organs to go several directions. "And for the rest of the damage well.." He trailed off and held up a mirror to show me my face. There was two big cuts on my right side of my face and a long scar going across my forehead. "At least I'm still handsome." I said smiling. I told John about my dream. I told him how the bodies were changed and about the masks that appeared on all the bodies. The. My eyes started to feel heavy. I tried to keep them open. I was afraid I'd go back into the coma. "Goodnight John." My eyes finally closed. The last thing I hear is John shouting, "Edward! No!"

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