Under arrest

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        I close the door quietly behind me. I hear Valentine talking to Edward. Telling him a story. "I remember what you did Holmes. Which is why I'm doing this. My brother will be avenged."

    "My brother will be happy knowing he's been avenged.

Valentine takes his pistol and suppressor out. He outs the suppressor on the pistol and reaches in the bag and takes handcuffs and cuffs him to the bed. "Just in case you wake up." He throws the key away

I look down at my hands and see I've been cuffed onto the bed. "I always finish my contract."  He gets ready to pull the triggers. "John do something and do something soon." I thought.

Valentine lifts up the pistol. Aims it at Edward, and gets ready to shoot. I pull out my gun and wait for the right moment. Valentine stands up. Walks over to Edward. Points the pistol to his head. Then I walk up behind Valentine and point my gun at the back of his head and say "Valentine, you're under arrest for the attempted murder and assault of law enforcement official, Edward Blood. You have the right to remain silent and everything you say may or will be used against you in the court of law." I said that as he put the gun down and puts his hands in the air.
    I attempted to handcuff him but, when I grabbed his arm he spun around and punched me. My gun fell on the ground, bounced up, and shot Valentine in the arm. He screamed in pain. I grabbed handcuffs and got them on him this time. I got on my phone and called Simon. "I got the murderer." I said panting. I hung up and looked at Edward. "Good luck, buddy." I took the handcuffs off of Edward. "Good luck."

    The handcuffs just fall of me. I jump off of the hospital bed and pull out my gun. I aim it at Valentine. Who was in the corner of the office in handcuffs and with a gun in his hands. He stands up, rips off the handcuffs, and shoots me.

                                                          Edward's POV

    I wake up as I would from a nightmare. I look to me left and I see a handcuffed Valentine and John talking to Simon. They look at me and smile. I smile back, "It's good to be awake." I said as John hugs me as hard as he could. He didn't realize it hurt me until I said something. "Sorry Edward." He apologized. I thanked John for saving me. Simon walks over to me and shakes my hand. "You solved the case, detectives. You stopped the bad guy." I look at Simon and say. "It was John who stopped the bad guy. I was asleep the whole time. That made John and Simon laugh.
    Simon's phone starts to ring. He walks out of the room to answer it. A few a minutes of hearing the words 'Okay, Got it, yeah'.He walks back into the room and looks at me and says. "Edward it was the station, your mother has been shot." He continued. "I'm having them sent here." I had a tear coming out of my right eye. I nodded. "Okay, I'll see her when she arrives. Thank you." Simon grabbed Valentine and walked out of the room.
        I got off of the bed and went to the waiting area to wait for my mother to arrive. While I waited I read a book that I borrowed from John. I read a quarter of the book by the time she got there. When I saw my mom on the stretcher I ask her "Who did this to you?"
She answered "He said his name was Valentine. He was the man your boss was putting in his car as I was wheeled in." The doctors and nurses said that I couldn't go into the room yet.

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