| Chapter Six |

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I begin to make my way to the spot I was told to meet Alpha Dylan when out of nowhere this man appears on the trail. I do not recognize this man's scent, he is not a Scarlet Moon pack member, nor is he part of Drake's pack, Midnight Moon. As a matter of fact, he does not have any nearby pack's scent. He has to be a rogue, I cannot help but wonder if Dylan sent him on purpose to do some form of evil towards me. I panic on the inside, but do not show it on the outside. "Who the hell are you?" I spat with confidence in my voice.

He laughs hearing the fear, I have never met a rogue. "Now, little miss. Is that any way to talk to your mate?" He says with a sly smile stretched across his dirty face.

"He is not our mate, Raelyn! You need to get out of here!" My wolf warns me full of concern. Nothing ever scares her, so her concern makes me even more worried than what I am.

I take small steps back, trying to create enough distance in case I need to make a break for it. "You are not my mate, I actually found mine a few months back. I really should be getting back to him, he is expecting me at any moment." I lie hoping I sounded somewhat believable.

He catches onto me trying to back away and he begins to match my steps getting closer to me. "You are lying." Whelp, I guess acting is not my forte. "I can smell your innocent. You have no mate, that is until I mark you and make you my own." He starts coming after me and before I had the change to run or even yell, he tackles me to the ground making me land on a hard rock. I could smell blood. He has me pinned and I cannot budge from his hold.

When he realizes I am not going to be able to get away he starts to kiss my body. While continuing to force himself upon me, I let out a hurling scream hoping Drake was close enough to come save me like he promised. "Stop! Get off me, you are hurting me! Please!" I yell, but he continues to degrade my body, leaving nasty wet kisses alongside my jaw and neck.

He starts to move his kisses down to my collar bone, he kisses all around like he is searching for something. Then he found this one spot that makes my body feel a little weak and nauseous. I hate myself for going weak at his touch, I hate myself even more when I feel his hand grip onto my breast hard enough, I know it will leave a bruise. "Do not worry, this will only hurt for a minute," he whispers on my neck.

I feel his teeth on my neck, and I close my eyes giving up, knowing what his next move is intended to be. I waited for the puncture, but instead I feel him get ripped away from my body. Without looking as to why, I move myself up against a tree as if it was my only source of protection. I wipe away the tears while trying to slow my breathing back down. I open my eyes to see the rogue torn apart limb by limb and Alpha Dylan looking at my with black eyes.

"Raelyn!" My wolf yells.

"Not now, I am about to kill this fucker for making me come here to almost be forced into being marked," I snap back at her.

"NO RAELYN!" I slowly stand up not losing his gaze, ready to attack. "MATE!" She blurts out before I had the chance to block her out.


I look at her, tears were forming in her deep blue eyes, my heart drops at the sight. "No," she gasps. "No, you can't be my..." she can not even bring herself to even say it. "No, no, no. This cannot be happening," she says confused with her voice breaking. She turns around to hide her face from me, I feel my wolf whimper at the fact our mate did not want me to see her.

I reach out to grab her arm, but she jerks away before I could lightly touch her. "Rae, please! You are my mate, I thought I would never find you. I am not going to let you go," I plead.

She swiftly turns to face me. "You already did, and my name is Raelyn. Only those I love, like Drake can call me that," she says switching her emotions from sad and confused to pissed. I can see she is about to shift and run away. I have waited too long to find my mate just for her to leave me. So, I do the only rational thing going through my mind. I let my wolf take over.

"STOP!" My wolf booms with his Alpha voice, which seems to only irritate her more. She freezes in her place making me believe it worked, that is until she does a full 180 and slaps me across my face!

"You think you can use your Alpha voice on me?" She let out a short laugh, "Well news flash, Mr. Alpha Ass Wipe, you are not my Alpha. You kicked me out, remember?!" She screams at me, I have never been spoken to like this by someone of less authority.

My wolf becomes livid at her disrespect, and the heat of her slap still fresh on my cheek only made him worse. I try my hardest to regain control, but my wolf has already pushed me back. You could see the fear strike her like lightening to metal, my wolf then did the least violent action that went through his thoughts; grabs a hold of her and marks what is ours. 


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