•8• mute

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We decided on coming to school today, it was claustrophobic being cooped up 24/7 in the house that reminded me too much of him.

It has been ten days since Alden died, our story to the public is that he was at the mall with us when the attack happened; that he got caught in the middle of the fight, at least there's some truth to the lie. Sterling erased the security footage; he told everyone it was Orbits dying wish to keep his identity a secret, and his family safe.

We told Amaris what to say incase anyone got too curious, Orbit and Alden dying on the same day and they're the same height, build and hair colour? Someone was bound to go investigating. I could tell Amaris wanted to ask questions, but she didn't push, she knows it's a sensitive subject. Amaris is a smart girl anyway, she'll find out for herself sooner or later.

I wish I had super hearing so I could listen to the conversations kids are having when they whisper to they're friends and stare at me when I walk down the hallway. It's probably similar to: 'Wasn't she dating Orbit?' She must be crushed. for those who didn't know about Alden, or, 'I heard she watched her brother die, she must be devastated' for the people who did. Unless it was something completely different like 'I'm pretty sure they were in a car crash or something' , like the conversations in my hearing range.

Axel and I showed up late, because the alarm clocks didn't go off, so it was second period. I had gym and when I walked in, everyone was trying to tackle their partner to the ground and pin them down.

I ambled my way out after making sure nobody saw me enter.

Wrestling. Ew.

I was excused from third period science because they were discussing the death of Orbit; why it happened and which super could have stopped Osium; I guess they weren't expecting me to be back so soon.

It was finally forth period English; I ignored the seating plan and plopped down next to Sterling who said he had the flu all week to get out of school. Apparently, if he wants, he can use the symptoms of anything he's cured and reciprocate them, making it look like he's sick but in reality, he's just an amazingly talented faker.

Ms. Wilson noticed I wasn't in the right spot, but didn't care. Amaris was glancing over at us every so often but didn't say anything. I could tell she was hurt that I didn't sit with her on my first day back, but who was she to judge.

"Hey Sterling," I greeted him, he didn't acknowledge my presence; not even a single blink, his eyes kept moving along the lines of his book.

"What're you reading?" I asked; no answer.

"How're you?" Nothing.

"Did I do something wrong?" I inquired, "if I did, please tell me. I can be irrational at times but usually I'm smarter and I know when I hurt other people but I'm not sure if I did anything to-" my rambling ended abruptly when Sterling finally lifted his head and was looking at me. His face was emotionless; that is, until the corner of his lips tugged up into a smirk, he winked, then went back to reading.

I decided then and there I was going to hate this whole 'quiet guy' persona he's got going on. I tried to spark up a discussion a few more times but got no replies.

Eventually, bored of my one sided conversation, I picked up my books and moved my way to my assigned seat next to Amaris.

"I could have warned you." She sighed; I opened my book up to a random page to make it look like I was reading.

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