•18• the man in red

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"We have half an hour before the attack." Sterling informed us, pacing around. His hair has morphed into an afro from puff after running his hands through it repeatedly. His mouth moved along with unspoken words, trying to formulate a plan; it is his second home that's under attack, after all.

"You might want to get changed first." I laughed nervously. Sterling was wearing tight shorts that fell to just above his knee, showing off hairless legs. His loose fitting shirt could pass as a crop top. 'Comfort wear', he says; I think he needs to put on a load of laundry.

"I knew that." He said, grabbing his super suit off of the back of the chair, he was beginning to strip down to his boxers, but I pushed him into another room. Nobody wants to see that.

No longer than two minutes after he left, Sterling came back, fully dressed in his costume. "How did you do that so quickly?" I asked in awe.

Sterling smirked, "Practice." After looking around, he let out an unattractive snort, "Nightlight looks constipated." My gaze drifted to Gold who was staring at the floor, his eyebrows were furrowed in thought.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, slipping the mask Sterling handed me over my eyes.

"I have to carry both of you." He stated, pinching his bottom lip with his fingers.

"I'm not that fat." Sterling said, squishing the skin surrounding his bellybutton to make it look as though it was talking.

Before I could register what was happening, Sterling jumped on Golds' back and fell to the ground.

"What the hell?" Gold groaned.

"I'll go on your back." Sterling said, placing his hands on Golds' shoulders once more.

"You could've just said so." Gold said, reluctantly bending his knees, Sterling jumped on his back. They fell forward and landed in a pile on the floor; It took two more tries until they were stable. Gold picked me up immediately after, my stomach plummeted as he shot off into the sky, much faster than last time. I found that I was fighting for my breath, like whenever there's a harsh breeze and you feel like you're suffocating, or like the wind from a leaf blower placed in front of your face by an idiot brother. I nuzzled my head into Golds' chest where the oxygen seemed to be, along with the aroma of honey and lavender.

"Sorry, we've wasted enough time!" He yelled over the wind, I could barely hear him over the sound of a plane below us, and Sterlings' repetitive shouting, 'holy shit' were the only two words coming out of his mouth. Like an inappropriate alarm clock. I squeezed my watering eyes shut with as much force as possible.

"Sterling... you're holding on... a little... tight." Gold wheezed. The feeling of security faded as his arms loosened around me until I couldn't feel them at all. I tried to wrap my arms around Golds' neck for support, but Sterling was in the way; He choked Gold. Sterlings' shouting amplified when, instead of flying straight ahead, we began falling out of the sky in two separate groups: Sterling slapping Golds' already purple face, and I. By myself. Falling.

I tried to scream, but the wind seemed to carry my voice away, instead, a loud roar sounded below me. I opened my eyes just as I was about to hit a passing plane; without realizing it, I phased right through the roof.

I hissed as my forehead smacked against something hard, the left side of my body throbbed with pain, but I was lucky to be alive. I yelped as the ground beneath me shook, it took seconds to realize I landed on a stewardess. I mumbled an apology as I stood, extending a hand. She shied away from it. I could feel eyes burning holes in my skull as people looked at me in shock, amazement, or fear. They've never seen me before, so they don't know if I'm here to kill them or save them from something yet to come. What they don't know, is that I'm just passing through.

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