•15• flying positions

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"Keep your head, arms, and legs inside the ride at all times. Eyes and mouth must remain closed until the ride comes to a complete stop." Gold said, blocking his nose to make his voice sound nasally.

"You're such a dork." I snorted.

"I try," He hummed, "but seriously though, keep your eyes and mouth closed. I know it's still a bit cold out, but do you really want to take any chances?" He pressed a button located somewhere behind his ear, a blue plastic shield slid out of his cowl and covered his face.

"Not at all." I answered.

"Do you have a preferable flying position?" Gold asked.

"A what?"

"Well, I assume you've flown before? With Orbit?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I didn't know he was Orbit, I only found out when he..." I trailed of.

"My condolences." Gold said sympathetically.

"So," I said, changing the subject, "flying positions?"

"Yeah, uh- well, there's really only three options, but there's multiple ways to hold on, like I could hold you or you could hold onto-"

"What's the three options?" I interrupted his rambling.

"Me." He finished, then took a deep breath, "back, belly, and bridal."

"Back, belly, and bridal?" I asked for clarification.

Gold blinked, "that's what I said..."

"Elaborate." I ordered.

"You can piggy my back, koala my stomach, or I can carry you bridal style." He explained.

"Piggy your back?" I inquired.

"You can piggy back on my back sounds weird." He clarified.

"So does piggy your back."

"Too late to take it back now," he shrugged.

"What's more comfortable for you?" I asked.

"What's more... Oh! You mean position?" I nodded, "well, I haven't really flown anyone anywhere so I'm not quite sure."

"Okay," I ignored the queasy feeling I got at the mention of me being his first passenger, "how do you fly?" He raised an eyebrow, "do you use your arms, legs, hand, or feet?"

"Um," Gold stepped forward and scooped me up, "like this. This is good."

I didn't realize we were off the ground until I looked down, and I didn't know until now, that I have a fear of heights. I yelped, squeezed my eyes shut and hugged him tighter, he stiffened and in turn, fell a few feet before regaining balance.

"Don't do that." He scolded.

"Sorry." I mumbled into his chest. Even with my eyes closed, I could tell he was glowing, it's warm, like the warmth being outside in the sun on a nice summer day, or like the heat from sitting in front of a camp fire.

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