~10~ Rage Works

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It's been about a week no and everything with the whole Eisenwald Dark Guild and Lullaby has calmed down already.

Well, to the definition of calm that Fairy Tail can uphold.

Right now I was on the second floor for S-Class mages of Fairy Tail, currently trying to decide between two missions seeing as someone took the Galuna Island one.

I actually wanted to do that once since there was a golden gate key involved, big money for that little key since there are only 12 in the world, none the same, and I could always sell it to Lucy since she's a Stellar Spirit user then black-mail her for the rest of her life about it.

I looked at the board then to the floor bellow before ripping off a poster and jumping over the rail. "Mira!"

I strolled over to her once I saw her head bob up from beneath the counter, "Just the gal I was looking for."

"Is there something I can help you with, Kyron?" Mira asked politely, nothing like how she was in the past.

"Two questions actually." I held up a peace sign with one hand and she nodded.

"One, who took the Galuna Island mission; and two, can you formally accept this mission for me I want to spread my wings." I grinned at the thought of "spreading my wings", my version of saying to fight.

"Alright then, have fun!" Mira called after me with her infamous smile but ignored my first question; so bolted through the doors, but not without waving back first.

I ran all the way to the far mountains of Fiore and then climbed it to the snow peaks.

My mission was to execute a clan of rogue Snow Wyverns,  that have been terrorizing the clans and towns anywhere within flying distance to their peak, think of dragons without the front two legs they're something like that but don't confused them for dragons because they are not dragons.

Heck, for the towns to be terrorized to the point they turned it into an S-Class mission for 8 million jewels, it must be pretty serious.

The only reasonable excuse is that they either they're larger than they normally are or they now have an overly large clan of Wyverns, which are basically dragons-like creatures with only two legs. 

Veni, vidi, vici; I came, I saw, I conquered.

Well I didn't really conquer anyone or anything; I just found out that the usual secluded Wyverns had their nesting ground trampled on by the tribes and towns below when they passed over the mountain.

A quick realization later, I gained 8 million jewels, finished an S-Class mission in two days, and was going to return by tomorrow morning.

When I managed to get back to the guild I froze at the town square area in front of our guild hall.

What I saw infuriated me to the point that my clenched fists were drawing blood, my blood red eyes were looking for blood under the shadow my head was casting over them, and I was shaking with anger.

People gathered around me, I couldn't even hear them over my rage, my thoughts, and my imagination.

In my rage I could only hear one word, one key word.


We were going to war and I knew exactly who with, Phantom Lord.

I could feel the Dragon Rage, the final and most powerful spell and state that a Dragon Slayer could enter and use; no one knows how it's activated for first generation users like Natsu and myself, but rage has been working just fine for me.

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