Chapter 16

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His smile. Those lips, they were so enticing and heart-stopping. I just can't get enough of them. I just can't get enough.

Shivers shot down my spine when I felt a jolt of electricity rush through me. His touch. It was riveting, simply intoxicating, it left me wanting more and I loved it.

"Laxus," I call for his attention while our lips danced together.

A deep noted hum was his usual response, and I think he could feel my discontent even through my happiness. We stopped kissing and I was back to looking at the ground, to avoid looking at him. He clenched his jaw and clicked his tongue in discontent to my actions, as if to think his next moves through.

In a nanosecond, I felt his fingers grasping my chin, yanking it up to look at his straightened form. The way the sun was to his back made his hair look so much lighter than before, his eyes seeming to shine, and the way he showed me his lopsided smile didn't help my tear-stained eyes any more than it would help to stare directly at the sun...

Actually, I think that staring at the sun would be easier than to look at Laxus right now.

He pulled away so fast that you'd think I had just told him that I wasn't Kyron, or something of the sorts. My hands fell from his neck and I saw his blue-grey eyes looking at me, but all I saw in them was love. No other words needed to be exchanged. I love Laxus, he loves me, but I can't jump right into a kissy-kissy relationship.

A quick kiss on my nose and Laxus was already helping me to my feet.

With both hands, he helped me to my feet, and when I was on my feet, I laced both of our hands together, I pushed my hands against his to give me an extra up when standing on my toes to kiss him again.

"I love you, Laxus." I laughed after breaking our kiss.

He responded with another deep noted hum, but this one was him saying "You've said that already."

I answered his unspoken question, "I just love saying it."

He shook his head with a smile but leaned down to kiss my forehead anyways....

I haven't really noticed how tall he's gotten. He's gotten so tall; the top of my head fits perfectly right under his chin now. I slowly untangled myself from him more than unwillingly as he reluctantly held onto me.

"Laxus," He hummed his recognition once again and I spoke with laughter in my voice, "Let's go home."

I could feel the muscles of his lips pulling up; he was smiling and he was smiling for me.

Laxus laughed, still leaning, but this time draping both arms over my shoulders so that I was support his full weight, "There were people watching."

"That must've been entertaining for them." I laughed, my arms wrapping around his torso.

"Who do you think it was?" I giggled lightly, pulling him down a bit more so that I could dig my face into the crook of his neck.

"Those idiots." He was referring to his Thunder God Tribe.

"The king idiot." 

"... The king idiot." Laxus agreed with me on Gildarts.

It took me a moment to register what we just said, "... The king idiot."

My eyes widened in embarrassment when I finally processed, "Oh god, the king idiot!"

"Ahh, I guess I wouldn't mind if they found out. Since it's with you, after all." I blushed, gently pushing his chest away from me while I took a step back, and stared to the ground a bit to the left.

Then like he did with Lisanna, he pinched my cheeks and stretched them to an almost painful amount, "You look cute with a blush."

"S-shut up!" I slapped his hands off of my face.

I used my hands to roughly rub at my cheeks to even distribute the blood that had pooled at my cheeks, running away when I felt that my blush had dissipated enough. Actually, I wasn't running away, it was more like I was chasing after Gildarts; Laxus only casually walking after us.

"GILDARTS!" I yelled out his name while giving him the gift of a flying-jump kick to the back of his head.

I was crouching on his back, one knee press against the back of his neck left him splayed out on the ground. The way my dark aura seemed to expel from within me only caused Gildarts to sweat, giving me a guilty smile while trying to deny something I hadn't even asked him about yet.

"I don't know that you and Laxus are...!" He shouted out but stopped midsentence.

I looked up and saw that the rest of the guild looking at Gildarts with feared-filled eyes. I instantly understood the fear beneath their eyes and chuckled lowly.

My bangs fell in front of my eyes and gave a shadow to them, "Oh, so that's how it is."

"I'm a bit disappointed in you." I spoke to them all in general, not wanting to add the "all" to the end of my sentence while I slowly got off of Gildarts.

I kept the shadow of my bangs carefully placed in front of my eyes as I walked over to them. Once I made it over there, I grabbed Natsu and brought him down to size by having my arm wrapped around his neck, choking it while his face was brought right next to my chest. 

"Oh well, I guess you would've found it sooner or later." I cheerfully dismissed any darkness or scary feelings that surrounded the area by playfully noogying Natsu.

Everybody let out a sigh of relief and then we were all smiles and laughter. Everyone was partying harder, laughing more, and smiling wider; this was probably because my small feud with Laxus was over. They were congratulating me on that achievement.

"Tch." That was the sound of Laxus probably trying to act disapproving or uncaring of what was happening after he made it into the clearing we were partying at.

His head was turned to the side, avoiding the chance of making eye contact with any of us, his arms cross, and the air around him just wanted to should disapproval; it's a shame that he had a tiny blush on his face that proved otherwise, the light hue of a fairy-pink rose staining his porcelain cheeks.

I giggled at the sight of his adorable little blush, my extremely tanned-skin becoming adorned with a deep scarlet-colored blush opposed to Laxus' light coloring.

I wrapped my arms around his large body and laughed, projecting my voice out to everybody, "We're going home."

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