Chapter 14

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"Laxus is such an idiot; he's so cruel and even held you guys hostage. He got what he deserved, getting expelled from the guild." I'm at Fairy Hills, the female dormitory for Fairy Tail, drunkenly spilling my secrets to any of the girls that would listen, which would be Kana, Mira, Lisanna, and Erza.

We were all sitting on the floor around a floor table, drinking booze to our heart's content.

"Yeah? That bastard had it coming to him!" Kana agreed in a way that tried to make me feel better.

My bottom lip quivered while my voice cracked a little, "He-he did? I-I just didn't truly e-expect that from him."

"The Laxus from Edolas was probably what you expected!" Lisanna pitched it but was left unheard.

What I said next surprised even myself, "I think I might be in love with him... With Laxus."

"I think you've had enough to drink, Kyron. Remember, the S-Class exams are tomorrow." Mira took away my beer and scolded me lightly, so I placed my head on the table to process what I just said.

"Erza," I called out to my swordsman friend before exhaling the rest, "Am I in love?"

She smiled and held her chin high while she spoke, as prideful as ever, and then nothing. The next thing I knew, I was curled up in the fettle position on top of the oh-so-big table hugging as much blanket as I could while the rest tangled around my body like vines on a tree.

One arm acting as a pillow for my head, I used the other to pulled the blankets closer to my chest, curling up into a tighter ball.

That was last night...

That was me finally admitted that I'm in love with Laxus.

I sighed while releasing the fist-full, tangled mess of blanket from the hand to reach into my back pocket. To pull out the envelope that Gramps decided that I should have.

I still haven't opened it yet.

I pushed myself off of the table, slowly sitting upright before standing and stretching out my body; allowing the blanket that was previously tangled around my own body to fall harmlessly to the ground, taking my heart with it.

My heart practically fell from my chest cavity, the pericardial cavity, the place that was supposed to hold my heart and keep it safe.

Apparently it didn't do that good of a job if the heart, my heart, can be so easily breached and practically destroyed.

I couldn't believe that I allowed my own heart to be breached by him...

I can't believe that I can even let myself fall in love with him, but then again, I don't think it was possible for me not to fall in love with him.

I sighed once again before shoving the envelope from Gramps back into my pocket, leaning down to grab my shoes while I was at it as well. I sat down on the table and slowly pulled on my shoes while I thought about what was going on in my life.

The life of mines that has just been a chaotic mess of so many different elements just forcing their ways into my life or simply just trying to reappear; but good mess or not, I'm not really sure that I even want it back.

I've learned to live with the choices I've made, no matter how hard the consequences may be to myself.

Well, that's what I'd like to believe.

I released a sigh while running a hand down my arm; another sigh escaped my lips when I threw back my head, running a hand through my ravenous black hair.

If I didn't know any better, I would say that Gajeel was my brother instead of Natsu; considering that Natsu has pink hair and black eyes while Gajeel and I share the same black hair and red eyes, but if I get into this then I'll be going off topic once again.

I would be avoiding going to the S-Class trials yet again.

I sighed while walking over to the window, violently pushing on the window that would jam ever few centimeters just so that I could get it open. A cool breeze blew through the room, causing some of the light-weight stuff to fly around the room in a small cyclone, the curtains not being an exception.

I embraced the cool wind as it swirled around me, and then I used that air to created frozen dragon wings made from ice and frost. I could feel my wings moved as I move, bending to my every will, just as if they were actual wings.

I smiled as I felt my wings attack and compete itself, leaving a trail of frost and snowflakes in the cold wind spiraling around me, making it even colder than before. I am a frost dragon though, I'm use to this, and the cold never bothered me anyways.

I did a slight crouch and leapt out of the window, out into the open sky. I was blissfully doing turns, flips, spirals, loops, and so much more.

I was finally feeling the wind weaving around me, bending to my will, and flowing around me. It had been so long since I've been able to be so free, to be able to do something I enjoy so much, something that would help me clear my mind.

I let out a happy sigh while flying straight for the sun, dive bombing when the air was getting to thin for my liking, and hurled straight for the ground. Some people would point to me and scream in surprise until they noticed that it was actually... Me.

Like I said before, it's been a while since they've seen me falling from the sky; so they might not be as used to it as they were before. After the initial shock, they ended up smiling and waving at me, some even sticking their hands up for a high-five.

I kept falling, straight for the ground, and people scattered, scared of the thought of having me crash onto them when I create a crater on the ground. I always proved their fears wrong, showing that they don't actually have anything to worry about; because in the end, I always pull up and manage to fly inches, centimeters, and rarely even millimeters from the ground.

I would glide across the floor, causing people to watch their step, but also having some trying to mess with me. I always loved how the dust would push off of the floor when I flew right over the floor, then pulling up for another round, high-fiving people as I flew by.

I didn't feel like stopping, so I threw a lightning-filled frost firework ball ahead of me, watching it explode, spark, and crackle to life in front of me. Watching an old magic that I've refused to use in a while because of how it affected me.

With a few seconds I could see Jet leaving a trail of disk behind him while he ran to deliver to me. With all his strength, he threw up a scroll and I effortlessly caught it with one hand, saluting him before flying off faster than before.

I opened the scroll, delivered by Jet but written by Redus, the information on the scroll provided by Gramps of course. In and written on the scroll, was information on the current S-Class exams; where, when, and what was happening.

I, of course, missed the first two events -as expected of me- and might make it to the ending if I pushed myself. So I did what I needed to do, I pushed myself to get there for the ending, I'm going to get there so I don't disappoint anybody else. I don't want to disappoint anyone anymore.

Not again anyways. Maybe if I didn't do what I did, what I did to cause disappointment, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this. I sighed and flew faster than before, faster than... Faster than the wind itself.

Not really though. I don't think it's possible for me fly faster than wind unless I'm flying through a snow storm. Similar to how he can travel through lightning... Similar to how Laxus can travel through lightning.

I shouldn't think about things that make me sad, especially when I'm closing in on my destination.

The island was in sight, a weird charge of static traveled around my tummy, my hairs stood on end and the pocket where I put Gramp's letter about Laxus, burned; all of this was happening and I don't know why.

(Fairy Tail) Dragon Children ~ EditingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz