Chapter 15

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Did you ever wonder how Laxus survived that last hit by Hades -Precht, the second and former guild master of Fairy Tail- when he had already given the remainder of his magic to Natsu? The final attack that was strong enough to kill him, especially since he didn't have any magic left to protect himself.

It was because of me. I made it through the hole in the roof of the strange airship that was on Fairy Tail's sacred land, Tenrou Island, just in time to create a shield. The only problem was that I didn't have enough time to create that decent of a shield, so I ended up blocking some of it, deflecting more of it with my wings, and taking on the rest of the attack head on.

The force of the attack was strong enough to knock me off of my feet and send me flying backwards into Laxus, knocking us over, and shattering my frozen wings at the same time. The scream that escaped my lips were inevitable, it just hurt so much. It just hurt too much.

Tears formed at the corners of my eyes as Laxus gripped my shoulders, and I tried my hardest to push him away without truly crying.

I looked over my shoulder, showing Laxus the determination in my eyes, "I've always stood behind you and followed from behind, but this time. This time it's my turn to lead." 

I saw the look of surprise on his face, as if he never expected me to say what I just said, as if he would never believe that I would say that, but I did.

For once, I didn't end up cowering behind someone else's power, expecting to play offense while I played support. For once, I didn't end up following beside someone hoping to match up to their power. No, for once, I am taking the lead and I am going to prove my worth.

I took a deep breath and kept repeating to myself, "I am going to prove my worth."

I calmed my breathing and focused my magic into my palms, gathering it around my hands and forearms. I could feel the crackle surge through my body, moving around my body while I used an old magic, a magic that I haven't used in years.

Natsu moved to attack Hades with his lightning infused magic but I beat him to it. Hades aimed for me with his dark, shadow magic, but it only ended up striking the ground around me and creating a cloud of dust. I used that to my advantage and jumped out of the cloud, my arms pulled back like Gray would when he uses Ice Make Magic.

But mines is much more different, "Frost Magic: Frozen Lightning Hammer!"

I brought down my icy-blue hammer with energy surging in it and Hades blocked the hammer with his arm as if it were nothing, the hammer didn't cause that much damage to him, it was the lightning that followed after it that did. You see, my frost encases lightning, and when my frost encasing breaks, the lightning attacks them at point zero.

For once I could actually say that I was taking the lead, but then again, I could also say that I could fight along my family, along Fairy Tail, without playing support or defense. For once, I was truly standing beside them, shoulder to shoulder, side by side, we fought.

Together, with Natsu, and Fairy Tail, we fought through our fatigue, our exhaustion, our lack of magic, and excess of fears. Working together, we were able to beat Grimoire Hearts, and we were able to reclaim our island, driving out our enemies.

We cheered, we celebrated, and I joined them; I watched as Gramps yelled at Laxus for stepping foot on Tenrou Island while he was "still" being exiled, how we were able to read how Gramps worded his sentence, the way everyone played around, and I especially laughed at how Gildarts was just sitting next to Laxus to bother him regarding Laxus' exile.

I watched as Laxus "picked on" Lisanna by pulling on her cheeks to make sure it was her, I saw Wendy gather her courage to speak with Laxus despite all the bad rumors that have probably spread about him, and I laughed at how Gildarts reacted to Cana's confession that Gildarts, is in fact, her father.

(Fairy Tail) Dragon Children ~ EditingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu