Chapter 17

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We returned home, home to Fairy Tail, and although the guild building was now a different building that was a bit battered and run-down, it was still home to us; and when we saw some random guild terrorizing our home, we had no choice but to let loose our anger. 

The intruders ran home with their tails tucked tightly between their legs and we drank, we sang, we danced; we acted as if we were making up for those 7 years of lost time.

I sat next to Laxus, who was dressed in a white dress shirt and a black vest with a thunder bolt on each shoulder, and who was also being embarrassed by the affection that Freed showed him. After a while, I simply decided to bump shoulders with him, instantly gaining his attention.

I couldn't help but smile at that, "It's late, so I'm going to get going with Natsu and Happy."

"No." Laxus replied instantaneously, wrapping an arm around my waist, "You should come over to my place."

"You're probably just going to have me help you clean 7 years worth of dust. You have things to do too, so I will see you tomorrow." I dramatically placed emphasis on the last you, easily getting him to release my waist.

"Good-night." I gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Night." He grumbled back like a little reject kid.

"Alright," I ruffled his hair and went over to meet up with Natsu at the door, "Let's go home, little brother."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go!" He spoke in a rush before taking off, Happy flying next to him, and both of them leaving me to give chase.

I made it to our house the same time as Natsu and Happy, but the moment they made it through the door, they started ransacking the place. Mementos were thrown around, dust was blown everywhere, and they just made a mess of the mess that already seemed to engulf our house.

"Look over there, Happy! I'll look over here!" Natsu yelled as they both ransacked our already ransacked house.

"Natsu, what are you looking for?" I asked while I opened all of the doors and windows of the house.

"My safe -all of my savings- they're missing!" Natsu exclaimed while blowing up a storm in our house, successfully scattering dust everywhere.

I sighed but helped him turn the house upside-down none-the-less, "Didn't I tell you to put all of your savings in the bank?"

After a while I stopped searching and started spring cleaning early, leaving Natsu and Happy to continuously destroy the house in search of their savings. They searched from the dropping sun, clear night, and littered stars, to the rainbow sky of rising suns; simply put, the searched from night to day, not even stopping to rest until they noticed they would never find their safe, savings, or food money.

I sighed, shaking my head when I saw that they had both fallen asleep on the recently cleaned floor. Without a second thought, I had grabbed some recently dusted blankets from our beds and placed it over them so that they wouldn't catch a cold while they slept almost peacefully on the floor.

The next morning, I woke up to a trudging Happy and Natsu, both greatly disheartened at the fact that they've lost their food savings. I sighed at the two but told them about Lucy going to meet with her father -the business man- after a 7 year separation, and maybe -just maybe- be able to get some money from him.

They took off looking for Lucky faster than I've ever seen then move.

I, on the other hand, left for the bank to discuss some financial situations; and I left the bank quiet pleased with what I was told. When I returned to the guild to tell Gramps the happy news, everybody was partying and creating a ruckus while Gramps was drowning himself in wine.

I instantly made my way over to Laxus, hugging him from behind, "What happened while I was gone?"

"Other than you getting re-admitted into Fairy Tail." I laughed at how obvious that fact was due to the exhilaration of the Thunder God Tribe.

"Gramps got elected as the 6th master," Laxus replied briefly.

I smiled at the fact that he even replied. It showed that he has changed from that cruel Laxus from the festival a few months -no, nearly 8 years ago. To what he was before, mean but caring, tough-love I would call it.

I moved to sit next to him and laughed, "That would explain why Gramps is sulking."

Laxus choose then to finish his sentence, "And we're entering a magic tournament, winner gets recognized as the #1 guild in Fiore and 30 million jewels."

My eyes lit up instantly, 30 million jewels is a lot of money (100 jewels equates to 1US dollar), but I was more interested in the tournament.

While I was thinking about all of the new people I would meet at the tournament, Laxus decided to pull me into his lap with a hand on my hip to keep me from leaving; or to prevent me from "falling off" as he justifies it.

"The tournament is in 3 months," he spoke as he 'gently' teased at my shoulder -with his teeth-, "train with me."

"Laxus, stop that." I yelped when his hand that was trying to hug me brushed against my external obliques, making me cringe and slap his hand away.

He was surprised for an instant before he wrapped both arms around my waist, folding his hands on my lap and placed his chin on my shoulder, burying his face into my hair, "I'm glad some things don't change."

"I'm glad you didn't change," I told him while gently stroking his hair.

"Train with me."

"You're so overly attached." I laughed and lightly bumped my head against his.

This caused him to lean all of his weight onto my shoulder, and I couldn't help it when I kept playing with his hair.

It's so soft, and smooth, and spiky, and- "I love you."

Author's Note:

So hey guys.... Sorry it's taking me so long to write but as I've said before, I've become a senior and there's just so much for me to do now.

Another thing is... I have so many ideas for different stories in my head and they're just rattling around. So with writing about Laxus and some for almost Nightwing, I have other stories I'd like to write but probably not post.

So like I'll just tell you all of the things I need to do so you can pity me and hopefully still read my books: write personal essays, finish college applications, do homework, read 3 books for 1 class per month, do 5 hours of math homework before worrying about tests I have to take the day after that I know I'm going to fail, and then when all of that is done...

I settle down with packs of cold drinks and a pillow before relaxing, relaxing by writing stories for you guys.

Well anyways, this Laxus love story is under editing, meaning some of the things you've read are going to change. Probably won't be that much of a difference, but a difference none the less.

So sorry for the short chapter, I'll do better! I PROMISE!

Plus, it might get longer when the editing's done.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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