~11~ We Are Family

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"Man, I had planned on some renovations but this... This is a bit too much." Gramps looked at our broken down guild hall that was in shambles and beyond repair.

All of us were crowding behind him.

"Uhhh... Ummm... Master..." Lucy called for him a bit downcast.

"Hm? It looks like they put you through the ringer as well..." Gramps answered with his usual, carefree expression.

From there, the people that were specifically attacked and harmed the most because of Phantom Lord going after Lucy, stepped forward and cheered her up.

"Lucy, every time you laugh, every time you grieve, pieces of those moments become ours' as well. That's what it means to be a member of our guild. When a member is on cloud nine, we all float; when a member is outraged, we all clench our teeth; and when a member weeps, we all wipe our eyes." Gramps lectured her a bit on the meaning of a guild.

He continued on, "So you have no reason to be ridden with guilt, because no one here hold you responsible, and why would they?"

Lucy was shaking a bit now.

"You are, after all, a member of our family. A member of Fairy Tail." Gramps saying this made Lucy cry.

I could understand her feelings. She has finally found a place where she belong and a place where she has people that cared for her. People who she could call family.

Lucy threw her head back and started crying outlandishly, her feelings of guilt replaced by the warmth and unity of Fairy Tail.

She cried, some consoled her, others laughed, and Gramps joined in on the cry, which of course surprised Erza.

Then the Rune Knights came; the Rune Knights are the council's army and by council, I mean the magic council and when I mean magic council I mean the group of people that watches over the mages of Fiore and they are to ensure that we followed the rules set.

The interrogated us each separately everyday for a whole week, which set a hindrance into the time where I could be doing my missions and getting money for food, considering that Natsu eats like a wild boar and Happy eats fish like the cat he is.

We already have a house not too far from the guild house, it might be small and a bit dirty, but its home. Especially with all the souvenirs, mementoes, and reminders of the little things we've done.

Natsu even kept the maid uniform Lucy wore to their first mission together; I have things from my mission too, but I keep them organized in my room unlike Natsu who just keeps them everywhere. It's a good thing he puts it in an organized fashion though.

My room was probably the cleanest room in the whole house, and it was still pretty dirty.

Anyways, the verdict in the end wasn't anything bad since we had evidence, witnesses, and proof that Phantom Lord was the one that assaulted us; not the other way around.

Now, today's the day that I can finally get a new mission since the reconstruction started.

I was walking alone to the still rebuilding guild hall since everyone left early to get the good jobs because Mira's reopening job requests today.

I didn't have to go early because I could just take an S-class mission. Mystogan usually takes one from the regular missions, Erza has the team with Natsu and them, and Gildarts is on that 100 year mission.

So that still leaves me with a bunch of S-class missions to choose from.

"What's that smell?" I mumbled to myself out loud, sniffing the air when I got close enough to the reconstructing guild building.

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