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"Where the hell were you?" Lucy asks, right when I sit down at our lunch table. I figure she's talking about yesterday's absence.

It's very rare one of us miss school, even if it's just for a day, so automatically we get mad at each other, of course jokingly, for leaving the other behind. "Hey... do you have a place to stay?" I ask, looking at her seriously whilst she messily eats her food, not bothering in answering her question first.

She takes a chance to swallow her food before asking, "Parents?"

"Uh... yeah.... Let's go with that," I say, awkwardly smiling back at her.

"I'll tell you what I say every time: No. I don't have place. I know it's hard for you, but you have to deal with it but... um... I don't know... telling them how you feel about what they do to you. It's not fair, but you should have the upperhand in your life. And plus, I don't think my mum will be able to handle another mouth to feed." I roll my eyes are her statement, basically dozing off in the middle of her small rant. I've heard it plenty of times before; I wonder why I even bothered to ask.

"Especially with how much you eat," says Luke as he sits down beside us.

"Don't insinuate that I'm fat. It's rude, especially to a girl," Lucy replies in her defence with a piece of food hanging out of her mouth.

"Luke! Place to stay; Yes? No?" I ask quickly, too much desperation in my voice.

"Uh... no," he says, shaking his head, as if slightly distracted. "Um... anyway. I got an A on today's chemistry test. I bet you guys will be able to ace it with ease," he says with such satisfaction it's almost sickening. I roll my eyes, but I know they're still my friends. I can't lose them.

"I don't understand your fetish for tests, Luke," I admit. "And really, the second day of school and they're already giving us tests?" Luke just nods, as if it's satisfying.

"Whatever," is the only thing he replies with before digging into his food. With food still in his mouth he mutters, asking, "What did you get on your test? You were in the class with me; weren't you?"

"Uh... yeah. I got an A like you, dumbass," I reply.

"Yummy," states Lucy, distracting me from my conversation with Luke.

Not bothering to look up from my table, as I've sudden got a pounding headache, I say, "I'd rather not talk about how you two are in love with your food. And I would rather not see the grossness of the food you're chewing, Luke, either. Close your mouth!"

"I'm not talking about food, Missy," Lucy says in her best impression of a "seductive voice", using my dreadful middle name.

"What?" I groan, as my headache is getting stronger, bringing my head up to see her. I follow her gaze, as she's biting her lip. When I look back I don't really see anyone that attractive, but just looking that direction makes my headache stronger. What, is there a source to my headaches that so happens to be in the school somewhere? I notice how it's only during and in school. But why?

"Oh, brother," Luke complains, stuffing his already half-eaten sandwich in his effort to disappear. He only does this when Lucy suddenly decides to get girly, in most cases: seeing an attractive guy. There are some cute guys at this school, I guess, but I don't really like to admit it. They're not worth it, but Lucy is always crazed, especially wanting to talk about them forever. I mean, I would too, if I any of them ever stand a chance of liking me. I would confess to her all about this guy I have my eyes on, but I don't know why I'm not ever able to risk it, even if she's one of my closest friends.

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