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I honestly don't know why I've decided to take up their offer once again. Why do I feel obliged to trust them without given proof? They haven't been the nicest people towards me but for some reason I trust them enough to give me some kind of information that no one else can supply me.

I'm currently rushing to throw on my final essential clothing articles. Everyone else is already outside before I could even figure out how to open my locker as I hardly use this one. It's primarily for holding my gym clothes and I don't exactly need them for how unathletic I am. As I'm throwing my school clothes into my locker, I hop towards the door as I frustratingly tie my shoes. Just as I am close to the exit, I hear Coach Finstock blow the whistle, assuring me of how late I am.

Despite having my shows on properly, right when I get outside I trick over my feet. I think it's a good thing that everyone else has already left to run, but that thought is abolished when I hear somebody laughing. I look for the source until I find him, Stiles. I give him a glare until he stops shortly after,

He says, "Sorry," coughing awkwardly. "Everyone has run off. You wanna run together?"

I shrug, accepting the offer. "Sure."

We've nearly come to the rest of the cross-country runners when Stiles begins to talk. "I didn't know you were apart of the cross-country team."

Looking towards him, I answer, "Uh... It's something new I'm trying this year. I think it would be good to get into shape, you know?" I can hear my own heartbeat rising, not being able to tell if it's from feeling all awkward or excising.

"Well, you're running quite fast. It's kind of hard to keep up," he mentions. I'm confused at first but I look towards him and notice how it's panting, falling yards behind. I don't even realise how I'm not even tired from all the running; I assume we must've gotten far. I take the time to look at the people ahead of us. It's a big group but in the midst of it I fail to locate the twins anywhere. How strange.

I silently laugh at his attempt to catch up, giving him the advantage of slowing down. "Why are you doing cross-country then?"

"Lacro—" he starts, but his voice is drowned out by screaming. Instantly, he finds the energy to run towards the sound, leaving me to trail behind him. It doesn't take us long to reach the screaming as are near the rest of the runners. Stiles shoves his way to the front, where everyone is gathering around a tree, leaving me a path to follow close enough behind him.

As we come near the place everyone has dragged their attention to, we realise exactly why someone would scream just from witnessing the goor. I must admit, I'm not a huge fan of blood, but you should see this guy. He's hanging from a tree, barely inches off the ground, strung up by what looks to be a dog collar. It's actually hard to tell when it's covered with the blood of the victim. It's a terrible, gory sight I honestly don't think I can handle.

"He stinks of blood," I absent-mindedly saying, pulling my hand to cover my mouth and sensitive nose. I don't ever want to be around this much blood, if I'm going to be honest. It's too much to bare, and the smell is no better than the sight.

"You don't like blood?" Stiles randomly asks me. I assume he must've heard me talking to myself.

I nod a no towards him. "This looks so awful. It seems like such a terrible death."

"Well, we all have blood in our body. I guess I'm just used to it with all that happens in Beacon Hills and all," he says. I think about it and he's seems right. Since my family moves here, not too long ago, we have encountered a lot of news dealings with murders, deaths, and many other horrors.

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