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My eyes start to flutter open, my vision blurry. I can't seem to make out any of my surroundings yet, but I see the colour silver and rust red blur around me. I can't make out how this place looks familiar somehow, as if in a vision I've had a long time ago. But that doesn't answer the question: where am I? I try to blink a couple of times to align my vision. It seems to work but I'm startled by what is before me... or maybe I should say who.

"You!" I say through gritted teeth, as I'm not too angry to grown my canines out yet, and squinted eyes. But somehow, in my mind, I'm still finding him a threat. Maybe because the last time I saw him, he pinned me up against a tree, stripping me of my dignity and strength. "Steve...."

"What?" he asks, utterly confused, as I try to bring my fist up to punch him.

"It's no use. The cuffs are stained in Wolfsbane. The more you struggle, the more it touches your skin, intensifying your pain more," another voice off in the distance explains. It's only now do I notice how my wrist stings, especially after I try to move them up for an attack. I try to move by head to see the other talker, but my neck isn't able to stretch that far. Luckily, he comes into my view instead, basically emerging from the shadows.

"Where the hell am I?! Who are you people?!" I mutter through my canines. It's visually official: I'm anger. They both just look at each other, as if for answers.

"I'm Doctor Deaton, and this is Derek," — so his name isn't Steve after all... — "We're here to help you."

"Is that why you two strapped me onto this metal trolley?" I question, still trying to escape. How stupid can I be? The pain arcades, making me scream... or maybe that's a roar....

But I don't for too long. I feel a warm hand press down on my mouth, keeping me from screaming more. "Stop! They could hear you!"

"Who?!" I snarl. "I still don't know who you are. You guys just fucking kidnapped me!"

"We did it for a good reason. And we can't risk the one that bite you to hear you. You could bring them to us and we aren't ready for that. We don't even know who bit you," Derek answers.

"Please, entertain me with the reason why I'm strapped here," I plead sarcastically, trying to calm down.

"You're still new. You can still transform during the full moon, which is tonight. We need to make sure you don't hurt anyone," the doctor replies.

"Trust me, if I wanted to kill someone by now, I would've already done it," I admit in a devilish tone, mostly to myself. I must admit, it's fun being sinister, even if it's just playing the part. Both of them look at each other as if they're in harm, making me smirk.

I try to relax against the metal table I'm strapped to. I figure, if I'm going to be here for a while, I should at least be comfy. Honestly, it cold and hard. Not really the best condition when you're looking for comfort. But my mind is pulled out of quest for comfort with the sound of a loud buzz. I forget about my hands are strapped away from me, meaning the sound regenerates throughout my eardrums in an earsplitting volume just because I can't cover them.

"Calm down. You're not used to your new supersonic hearing yet," Deaton reassures me. Thanks for restating the obvious, Doctor. It takes me awhile to even realise that the buzzing was Derek's phone. For some reason, I expected it to be mine, but there would be no one to worry about my whereabouts. "It's best if you try to restrain from using any of your powers, if you can. The less you use tonight, the better it will be for you."

"Yeah... because I'm just itching to use my powers," I retort, realising he thinks I'm going to eavesdrop on Derek's phone call. I should... but I figure it's too far into the call by now to be interesting, let alone understandable and out of context. But then again... I get an idea.... "Can you tell me... what it's like being a werewolf? I mean... there's a lot of learn, and it seems like we have a lot of time to kill."

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