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After the confusing revelation, Ethan and Aiden were instructed to take me back to school, apparently with some other tasks. I comply, not minding, trailing slowly after the twins on my bike compared to their motor powered ones. I pettle with such effort and strength, but obviously, I'm still not able to stay close by. Apparently that isn't a werewolf perk.

When I finally reach the campus, I see them standing there as if they've been waiting for me. Putting my bike where I normally do, I sarcastically greet them finding out that they were actually waiting for me.

"Hey, do you think you guys could sneak me through the locker room? My clothes stink of your blood," I admit.

They look at each other, not answering, before walking off. I just follow them, weirded out by them actually doing as I asked when we enter the girl's locker room from the back entrance.

"We have other businesses to attend to," Aiden admits.

"So do whatever you need to do and don't try to find us," Ethan warns.

"Fine," I say. "But do either of you know what period it is?"

"I don't know, like third. Find out for yourself," Aiden instructs.

"Okay then," I mutter under my breath as they leave. They seem to be acting like a couple of sour wolves. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that earlier, I kicked their asses.

As they leave, I search for my locker and crack it open as soon as I remember the locker combination, which honestly takes me too long. Grabbing my casual school clothing out of the locker, I head to the shower, being thankful that no one else is around. I strip the sticky clothes off my uncomfortable body once I turn the faucet on, stepping into into the lukewarm water, deciding it's good it's a good enough temperature. I scrub at my body until I feel the blood is well off my body, leading me to turn the water off. Using a clean towel they have in the locker room, I dry myself enough to put my clothes on and rush out of there.

I find that I apparently took a quick shower, which hardly tends to happen. Walking out, I notice the empty halls first but my ears hear something else, a subtly fighting off in the distant. I try my best to quietly walk to the where I think the source of the noise is located. It takes a bit of time but I seem find it when I don't need to use my werewolf senses to hear the fighting.

I near the edge and peek around the corner just in time to see Aiden take a good swing at Ethan's goofy face before he throws him to another figure. I look up to see a stunned Isaac. Honestly, I'm equally as confused as he looks. I hear a lot of footsteps and see the class coming out right before I see large calves getting closer towards me, making me disappear out of the corner again, accidentally landing on my butt on the floor.

"He just came at me," the sound of Ethan's voice says. As Aiden is walking confidently, but obviously, through the hallway, I give him a confusing but disapproving look as he struts on by.

"Isaac, what the hell did you do?" I can clearly hear Mr. Harris accusation. I know that none of it was actually his fault, but is this really what Deucalion instructed them to do, or do they just want to do this for fun? I don't have much time to wallow over it before the bell rings, releasing the swarms of teenagers out classroom, forcing me in the crowd. I'm just lucky that I'm finally adjusted to the perching noise.


Just the person I have been looking for: Boyd! I need the truth and he's the only one that can deliver. I really hope they were lying to me.

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