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*A/N: I wanna try to write in third person. I honestly need feedback to know how you feel about this. So far, it's easier as it gets rid of my fear of using too many I's, but I really want to know how you guys feel about reading it in third person from now on. I've been thinking about it for a while but because of the lack of feedback, I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong yet. Please. Thanks*

The pianist dying was the first sign that something wrong was gonna happen that night. They should've known instantly by Lydia's scream, but they choose to ignore it with Aiden's persuasion. As the blood was pouring out of her neck, Ethan, Aiden, and Dawn were the first at the scene. As Ethan went to console Danny, Dawn was left behind with Aiden.

"This has Jennifer Blake written all over it," Aiden growled under his breath.

Dawn was astonished by his words. Taken aback, she question, "Jennifer Blake? As in our English teacher?!"

"Yes! We've been trying to investigate the recent sacrifices and it's lead it back to her," Aiden answers. "Doesn't anyone tell you these things?"

"Apparently not!" she answers back as angry as she felt. Although Ethan has tried filling her in one recent supernatural activity patrolling Beacon Hills, somehow he's missed filling in most major gaps, one of the most important gap. She starts to question if he even knew if he kept it from her. He wouldn't do that to her; right?

Aiden storms while Dawn remains silent amongst her thoughts. His movement draws her attention towards him before he could have a chance to get to far. She pushes past the frantic crowd before she reaches Aiden, putting her hand on his shoulder in order to turn him around to talk.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to find her before anything bad happens," he answers.

"Something did happen!" Dawn starts. "The pianist, whoever her name is, died! In front of everyone. Ms. Blake organised this whole recital not honor the dead by have a captivated audience watching as she sacrifices another philosopher without being there herself, adding on to the growing list of the dead!"

Dawn is furious and nothing can stop her; not even when Ethan inserts his presence into the conversation. Her eyes glow red with the remnants of alpha blood still pumping through her veins and all she wants to do now is go into battle, preferably with her English teacher. First she gave her an C on her midterm, but sacrificing innocence has definitely throwing her into Dawn's bad side.

Hands on her shoulder push her towards the exit while saying, "I'm ready to take Blake down! If she wants to take the alpha pack down, she should've thought twice."

It's a good thing too. The shocked crowd, although mortified, are still around the arena, rummaging through the high school corridors. It's still a large number of people that didn't need to know about the supernatural just because she felt like having an outburst at that second. Dawn preferred not revealing herself in front of all of them, especially after just witness a gruesome death like that.

When she gets into her stolen car, well the one owned by her parents who she borrowed without their consent, Ethan and Aiden both hop onto their motor bikes, throwing their helmets on their heads. As soon as the twins start their motorcycles on, Dawn starts her egnition.

The twins are the first to pull of the parking lot. It was up to Dawn to just follow behind without getting too far behind. Doesn't sound hard. But it was the battle up ahead that she was worried about more.

She has to stand up for her alpha pack. They took her in; they can't just not have a reason. She contemplate the chance of revealing their reasoning after she proves her loyalty, fighting against a slashed faced bitch - another thing Ethan was grateful to reveal during the boring recital - no matter who gets in their way.

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