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"I don't understand how that's possible. I have never heard of such a case. Are you sure they weren't lying to you? Are you sure your eyes weren't even lying to you? You've been going through a lot with this transformation, even more than usual, believe me I know. You could've been imagining it," he says. I believe he has finished but he whispers to himself, "Yes. That has to be the only explanation!"

"I'm not crazy! I know what I saw. There isn't any point in denying it. I want to deny it myself. It's the only way I could believe it, but I know what's true in this matter. It happened," I say in my defense.

"I just don't understand it! It's impossible for anything this to ever happen. I never heard of it happening! It doesn't make sense!" he replies, starting to get frustrated at the situation.

"I'm sorry if you don't believe me, but I know the truth about what happened. I would prove it to you but I don't know how to be angry enough to wolf out like I did because of my parents."

"And there she is. Late again. Luke said you weren't even in home-room! Should I be expecting this sort of behaviour from now on or something? I don't know what has gotten into you. Are you parents dropping you off late now or something? Gosh. What is wrong with you, Dawn Missy Rosemary?!"

"Leave me alone, Lucy!" I growl, shoving my way into the building.

"Why? Tell me what's wrong! You haven't been you in a while. I'm worried," she say, following behind me, suddenly sounding somewhat sincere. I can hear the weakness in her voice and it almost makes me want to retch. I don't hear the footsteps belonging to her behind me anymore, as if they just stopped altogether. Turning around in curiosity, I'm slightly relieved to know that she's still there.

"You know I don't like being this heavily interrogated," I reply with a fake smile, trying to convince her that I'm sane. I'm not, but it's best to not let her know what's going on with my life when I barely know for myself.

She takes on big step towards me and rips off my sunglasses, making me automatically, unintentionally growl. I hope my canines haven't come out for a visit along in any way with my golden eyes as I notice her jumping back. Trying to recover, she nags, "Wearing sunglasses indoors is against the rules." I don't think that's what she originally intended to say, curiosity showing in my facial features as I cock my neck to the side at a little angle. Lucy looks down at the floor in her usual state of trying to think over something. She barely whispers, "I have to go" before leaving.

Turning around to continue walking, I'm left slightly dumbfounded. It takes me a while to officially realise that she's taken my glasses with her. I fear exploding into anger could result into my eyes unexpectedly changing at any given moment. It might seem, somehow, that I can control my transformation, but I honestly have no clue how. I need my sunglasses but I can't be bothered to take the risk to get them back. She must've seen my eyes; it's the only reasonable explanation the fear pulsing through her veins. Although she's walked far away, I can still hear her rapid heart rate.

The ear splitting bell rings throughout the halls and I must resist the urge to cover my ears. Humiliation in front of my peers isn't something I want to be worrying about. Gritting my teeth, I take the pain coursing through my ear drum, walking to my second period class. Now, I officially know it's too late to retrieve back my sunglasses unless I want to encounter her nagging once again, but this time she would talk about how I shouldn't bother with getting back unessential materialistic items but to be more focused on getting to my class on time to get a proper educations. Something along the lines of that anyway, would be expect. I don't know and honestly couldn't care less right now so I just try to shrug it off and go to class.

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