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I don't know how long I've been running, but somehow it's managed to make me less angry. As my anger subsides I notice how my fingernails are growing back to normal. I thank God that they are. I don't think I could've put up with them for that long anyway as I ball up my fists whenever I run, a wince of pain with every sprint. Where I dug my claws into the skin of my palm however, lack any incisions and blood of the punctured wounds I know were results of these weird, mysterious claws. I don't know why or how I'm not out of breath yet. I seemed to have traveled faster than normal, as I've been running for what feels like hours. I don't even seem to be sweating despite my heart pumping more than usual with the adrenaline swimming along side the blood in my veins. I doubt I've ever actually run for this longer before, questioning how I haven't managed to pass out by now. I guess that could be a sign of how my body might be functioning properly despite being aware of my lazy habits.

During all this time, just in the midst of my running spree, I've only been wondering what's happened to me in the last couple of hours, maybe even in the span of 24 hours. I finally just stop, panting for air. It seems my thoughts have distracted me from breathing. I gasp for air, holding myself up with by hands grasping my knee for support, as I am suddenly hit with the realisation of how much I've run. I don't normally run, especially during the hot summer, although it's just ended, which makes me feel very unfit. But this time it's different. I haven't been struggling for energy or air until now. Maybe it's not from the aches of physical movement that I'm not used to. Maybe it's just my thoughts sending me into a panic attack.

I can't breath. All I'm doing it thinking, wondering what the hell is even happening to me whilst I can't even think about the normal command of breathing, which is supposedly automatic. Maybe I don't want to though. I never wanted to breath in the first place. That's why I climbed all the way into the woods yesterday night: hoping for a death wish. Instead, I just received pain that I normally just inflict to myself or have inflicted onto by my parents. But, last night's pain was different: it was more powerful, sharp. It hurt a lot more, making it wonderful. Last night. That pain. It was as if something bit me; which doesn't seem like it can be explained that well. I never had a chance to look at the injury except when I was taking a shower.

That was only this morning I think, and even then I was trying to hurry up. My mind doesn't seem to have a decent recollection of time but I remember cleaning up the blood, or at least trying to. I really hope it was only my blood as it seemed like it came from the bite marks. Hopefully no one bothered to mark me with their own blood.... I don't even want to think of such a gross scenario, and even then I didn't want to think about my aching side that might've been a bite. I wanted to act like it wasn't real, but because of my rushed thinking, I didn't allow myself to examine it. But I know it was there. I could feel the engravings latched onto my skin as I clung onto it desperately in pain, trying to sling my way across the High School hallway.

Still trying desperately to breath, I risk-fully take my hands off my knees to pull the corner of my shirt down a side. Luckily no one is as stupid as me to be in the middle of the woods, so I don't have to worry about anyone seeing my body. I remember it distinctively being on my right side though. It's gone.... I feel the skin and it's just unbelievably soft; almost as if it's never been punctured by a mysterious set of teeth. I do the same for my left shoulder, just in case I got my directions wrong. Same: nothing. I want to say it's just the trick of the light, but it couldn't've been. There is hardly any light to see with as the sun is setting by now.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take my hands off my knees as I'm still struggling to breath just trying to fathom all that has been happening. Maybe I'm just hallucinating, dreaming even. I don't even know what attacked me last night. Could that have been a sort of hallucination too? UGH, I need answers!

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