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No matter how much I desperately try, I know it's useless trying to get away from my clouding thoughts. I mean, what else is there to think about; really? I can only focus on how Stiles, Isaac, and that other kid were talking to the guy that is most likely the one that ambushed me in the woods. The one that told me about my startling new reality that I still can't believe. What I do believe is that I'm still in a dream that I just need to wake up already! I'm fine living my old depressing life. It, at least, makes a lot more sense and is explainable compared to this supernatural shit that I've been suddenly thrown into!

I'm panting, and not from the exercise I'm getting from riding my crappy bike across Beacon Hills sidewalks to reach my house. It's only fifteen minutes if I wheel quick enough, but I'm still out of shape that I get tired easily. I would hope that being a werewolf all of a sudden would at least give me some newfound strength or energy. Instead, I'm feeling it lacking as if everything is back to normal. Maybe everything is back to normal and I was just fantasising everything that happened before. It would explain a lot. I hope I'm imagining things.

But my mind aches with how much thought I'm giving it. I mean, what's the big deal? It might've been that dude's uncle for all I know. That could've been the reason that they were talking. They can't all know I'm a werewolf, but that older dude knows. This would be a lot easier to think about if I knew their names.... And then I think for a second.

There were three guys talking to him, and one of them was Stiles. Three.... Meaning he could've been talking about me with those two dorks during class. But that also means one of them doesn't like me for some unexplainable reason; but who?! I already know it's not Stiles because I recognised his voice during the conversation. I'm not associated with either of the other two's voices in any particular way, especially not enough to realise who was talking when and what they were saying about me. But I feel like I just need to know why one of them, especially who that one is, has the need to feel hatred towards me without even knowing me yet. But for some reason I hope it's not Isaac; maybe it has something to do with the things I've heard about him. Something about that other guy makes my skin crawl, from more than just his overachieving skills. If he doesn't like me, then the feeling is most definitely mutual.

But that dude they were all talking to in the hall, very obviously. Let's call him Steve for now. Steve was in the woods that night. It had to be him. Somehow I could recognise his scent in the hallway at school; and I can't tell you it was anywhere near pleasant, but either way it matched from the woods that I didn't know I detected. It had to be him! And the red glistening in his eyes; they match from that night. It can't just be the trick of the light. No lights turn your eyes red. It could only be him that night. I can't believe it was either Ethan or Aiden. They don't seem nice enough, and a matter of fact is that their voices are too high to match the one I heard that night. Steve did mention that there are others like "us" at my school, but could there be more? Could there be more of us other than just Ethan, Aiden, and me? I kind of don't want to find out. Steve was so strong that night, and the same for the twins, keeping my hands attached to the table with their strength. I don't want to imagine what it could be like with more of "us" into the mix. I don't even know my own strength, if I ever get to acquire any. Hopefully I'll be able to breath better at the least.

But my eyes. They're different. I've only seen red eyes and on Ethan, Aiden, and Steve. Why am I so different? There has to be a reason! Of course there is a reason; there's always a reason. You just don't get to know it... yet. I never do get to know the important things. Hopefully, I will get to eventually know. It feels vital. And it brings me back to Steve and the three. How would they not know about him being a werewolf? He basically flaunted it at me, even in the hallways. The other guys couldn't've missed it. Those eyes are haunting. I'm starting to get a feeling that this guy isn't just someone's uncle. But how would they know him, if never a chance of relation. There is more to the story than I know... that I need to know.

Red Dawn ➳ Teen Wolf |Discontinued|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя