I am the King, Right? - Chapter 2

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In the present…


“Are you sure you guys don’t want to go to your house first? The castle is out of the way,” I asked my friends.

Adam, Liam, Josh and Nora were renting a house about a half hours drive away. The five of us were living in Arsom for the summer. They were going to live in the rental house for the summer, and I was staying in my old room at the castle with my dad.

At first it had just been me coming by myself, but my friends decided to come along too. They had been wanting to come to Arsom anyways. They had the money all saved up and everything. They were going to stay in northern Arsom where it was a little cheaper, but they decided to stay down here, so I could still see them whenever I wanted.

Both Liam and Nora had just gotten their licences since they were a year older than the rest of us. They were happy to drive anywhere, at almost every time. So they would be playing chauffer of the trip with the rental car we had all paid for.

I wasn’t even sixteen yet. My birthday was the second week of August, only six weeks away. Josh and Adam had their learners already. I would be the last to get mine, but I was going to wait until I was back in France at the end of August. I had no need for it now.

Every year since just before I turned four, I had lived with my mom in France. She was a music producer there and made a lot of money. Dad visited every summer and Christmas. I never came to visit him in Arsom.

Dad wasn’t able to get away from the castle very much, he had just been promoted to their main chef. So his visits were rare and special.

I had lived with dad in the castle up until I moved to France, but my parents tell me I hadn’t liked castle life as much. As a kid in a castle I would have had to be quiet and nearly invisible. I didn’t matter.

My parents separated just before I was born. Dad had fought for custody over me since he only worked just before meal times and on special occasions. Mom always seemed to be working.

I was excited to be back in Arsom. This time thirteen years earlier, I had been living my last couple of weeks in the country. Now I was back and ready to see what I did and didn’t remember. So far, I remembered nothing. But that was expected. I had left when I was three.

“No. We want to come with you to the castle,” Adam said excitedly.

“Besides, I have to drop you off first. Might as well we all go,” Liam said from the driver’s seat. Josh was next to him navigating.

“Besides, I hear the king is hot,” Nora said with even more excitement than Adam. She sat on my left.

“Arent kings old?” Josh asked.

“Apparently this one was kinged when he was only six,” Liam asked from my right. I was taller than Nora, but I was skinner, so I was put in the middle seat. Liam always seemed to know random facts that normal people cared less about knowing.

“Yeah and he is really hot,” Nora said. She hated to be ignored.

“You are not going anywhere near him Nora, you are my girl,” Adam said. Nora had been my friend first, but when Adam was the new kid from England, I had invited him to sit with me at lunch and Nora and fallen hard.

“I don’t think some stupid king could make me give up you,” she said seriously. “But really Isabelle, he is supposed to be hot.”

“You aren’t going near him either,” Josh said.

“Why not?” I asked. Josh was like the big brother I never had.

“Because what if this king guy sees me as a threat and orders me dead?” He said casually.

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